Crime Boss Rockay City Dragon’s Gold Cup

Crime, gangs, turf wars and the criminals behind them are often glamorised in fiction, yet in the real world, this is a hard world to live in. Yet there is a way to experience this lifestyle without getting into trouble with other gangs or the law. This is Crime Boss Rockay City Dragon’s Gold Cup and it’s out soon as an expansion pack.

There have been games like this before and yet for some reason they are sort of sidelined, but Crime Boss is exactly how it sounds, you will build your gang and plan your heists, the trouble is keeping hold of your loot and staying safe from other gangs that are looking for some easy cash.

Find out more about the Crime Boss: Rockay City game here;–dragons-gold-cup

#CrimeBoss #RockayCity #DragonsGoldCup #FPS #Crime #CriminalEmpire #Robbery #Gangs #Heist

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