Category: Steam

  • Steel Seed coming to PC and consoles soon

    Steel Seed coming to PC and consoles soon

    There is a new action and adventure game that will put players right in a world that has been turned upside down with what remains of the human race facing extinction. This is Steel Seed and players must explore the hidden depths of an underdown facility with the hope of finding the solution to human survival. There is a Steel Steed demo available on Steam while the game will be launching on the 10th of April on PC, PlayStation and the Xbox.

    To find out more about the Steel Seed game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #SteelSeed #SciFi #Stealth #Action #Adventure #PC #Steam #EpicGamesStore #PlayStation #Xbox #Games #Gaming #Drones #ESDigitalGames #StorminaTeacup

  • Erenshor Official Early Access Release Date

    Erenshor Official Early Access Release Date

    This is one of those exciting games that we love to hear about, It is called Erenshor and it is a simulated MMORPG that will please any role-playing gamer or even someone new to the genre. The game is for single players who play in the MMORPG along with other simulated players, so this is not going to be one of those easy games that last a few minutes, this is one of those games that is going to make players think about every move or action before they take it. Erenshor will be launching in Early Access on Steam on the 14th of April.

    To find out more about the Erenshor game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Erenshor #SimulatedMMORPG #MMO #EarlyAccess #RPG #Games #Gaming #NewGames #Dungeons #BrianBurgee #GameDevelopment #GameDemo #Gameplay

  • Schism action roguelike RPG out today

    Schism action roguelike RPG out today

    Anyone who is looking for an energetic, chaotic and exciting game need not look further than the Schism game, this is one of those games that will make you tear your hair out. So there is an exciting prospect here for those gamers who are brave enough to take on the challenge to get through a game that comes with so many features that switch the game around, are you ready to take on the Schism game? The Schism game has now left the Early Access phase on Steam and will be launching on the 7th of March or you can play the Demo game on Steam now.

    To find out more about the Schism game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Schism #Roguelike #ActionRoguelike #BulletHell #Games #Gaming #NewGames #RNG #Steam #EarlyAccess #Demo #2LeftThumbs #LooterShooter #Gameplay

  • Celebrating Ten Years Of Cities: Skylines

    Celebrating Ten Years Of Cities: Skylines

    It seems astonishing that the Cities: Skylines game has been around for over ten years now with expansion packs, content updates and even a sequel all thrown in for good measure. In the video below there is a brilliant run down of the history of the game from the players and developers who are giving their take on the game and what it has meant to them all over the years. There will be new premium and free anniversary content arriving throughout month of March including a free weekend from the 20th to the 24th of March.

    To find out more about the Cities: Skylines game go to the official game website here

    #CitiesSkylines #Cities #Skylines #ParadoxInteractive #Games #Gaming #ColossalOrder #NewGames #PCGames #CityBuilding #Cities #GameSequel #ExpansionPack #ContentPacks

  • FUBUKI zero in on Holoearth coming in Spring

    FUBUKI zero in on Holoearth coming in Spring

    Coming soon is the FUBUKI with the promise for players to zero in on Holoearth taking on the role of the sword-swinging Shirakami Fubuki, one of the Kami from the city of Yamato with a mission to restore the balance to Holoearth. This is one of those games that requires a balance of gaming skills and mental agility. The FUBUKI zero-in on Holoearth game will be launching on Steam for PC on the 12th of April.

    To find out more about the FUBUKI game go to the games page on Steam here

    #FUBUKI #Holoearth #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Pixel #2DArt #Peposoft #Phoenixx #ActionGames #PlatformGames #WhatIf #Gameplay #DemoGame #Hololive #Battles

  • FragPunk Tactical Shooter Available On PC Now

    FragPunk Tactical Shooter Available On PC Now

    The tactical shooter game FragPunk is available right now on PC via Steam. This is one of those games that will drive the players wild as it presents them with rule-breaking twists with the card system that allows players to change the rules and therefore able to change the outcome of the battle. Console players need not worry either as this game will be coming to the Xbox and PlayStation later on this year.

    To find out more about the FragPunk game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #FragPunk #NetEaseGames #BadGuitarStudio #PC #Games #Gaming #PlayStation #Xbox #TacticalShooter #FreeToPlay #ShardCards #NewGames #GameModes #Steam

  • Broken Arrow has the Stryker Cavalry Regiment incoming

    Broken Arrow has the Stryker Cavalry Regiment incoming

    The Broken Arrow game has a planned launch for June this year, it is already a success on Steam with many players adding it to their wishlists and now there is some more news, the game is getting the Stryker Cavalry Regiment added to the game with mobile units that are bound to mix things up within the battle gameplay as these units are fast and really do pack a punch. The Broken Arrow game will be launching in June on Steam for PC players.

    To find out more about the Broken Arrow game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #BrokenArrow #StrykerCavalryRegiment #Games #Gaming #Tanks #Warfare #Battles #Tactics #RTS #Military #Army #Slitherine #BrokenArrowStrykerCavalryRegiment

  • Knock on the Coffin Lid the Nightmares of Millenis DLC is coming

    Knock on the Coffin Lid the Nightmares of Millenis DLC is coming

    With a title like Knock on the Coffin Lid, you just know that this game is going to be a bit scary and dark, which of course it is, but now there is a new DLC coming with the equally scary title of the Nightmares of Millenis that introduces some new chapters to the on-going story that are bound to test the skills of even the most experienced of players, so this is going to be good. The Knock on the Coffin Lid – Nightmares of Millenis DLC will be coming out in early April.

    To find out more about the Knock on the Coffin Lid game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #KnockontheCoffinLid #NightmaresofMillenis #DLC #Games #SciFi #Gaming #RedBoon #DarkFantasy #TarotCardMode #Roguelike #2DPixelArt #KarmaSystem

  • Gas Station Simulator: Drive-In Cinema DLC

    Gas Station Simulator: Drive-In Cinema DLC

    There is always something good about the word free and with the Gas Station Simulator game there is the free Drive-In Cinema DLC so instead of running a gas station players will now get the chance to run a drive-in cinema and you can just imagine how much fun can be had in this business. the Gas Station Simulator: Drive-In Cinema free DLC is available right now on Steam for PC players.

    To find out more about the Gas Station Simulator: Drive-In Cinema game go to the official website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #GasStationSimulatorDriveInCinema #Games #Gaming #SIM #DLC #GasStationSimulator #DriveInCinema #PCGames #PC #DRAGOEntertainment #Movies #Cars

  • The Occultist exploring a cursed island

    The Occultist exploring a cursed island

    Horror, mystery, cults, occult and a cursed island are just some of the things waiting for players in The Occultist. Players take on the role of a paranormal investigator whose investigation of the disappearance of his father has led him to the island of Godstone the strange place that has become the home of a cult that has a reputation for experimentation and rituals. Be prepared to walk around these lonely foggy streets not knowing who or what is waiting in the shadows. The Occultist game will be launching on the PlayStation, Xbox and on PC next year.

    To find out more about The Occultist game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #TheOccultist #CursedIsland #Games #Gaming #Horror #SciFi #DaedalicEntertainment #DALOAR #NACONConnect #ParanormalInvestigator #PlayStation #Xbox #PC #Cult #Mystery

  • MainFrames Out Today on PC and Nintendo Switch

    MainFrames Out Today on PC and Nintendo Switch

    These days there are some people who have little idea of what early computing was like such as sitting in front of a keyboard, computer and portable television screen! So here is a chance to see what computers used to be like with the MainFrames game. Follow the software journey of the floppy disc and a computer program as they try to find out the history of its origins. This is one of those that presents puzzles and challenges for the players to solve and it is available right now on PC from Steam and on the Nintendo Switch.

    To find out more about the MainFrames game go to the official game website here or to the games page on Steam here

    #MainFrames #PC #NintendoSwitch #Computers #PCGames #TheArcadeCrew #Assoupi #Games #Gaming #Hardware #Software #Steam #PlatformGames #Programming #OS

  • Gameplay from Escape from Tarkov: Arena

    Gameplay from Escape from Tarkov: Arena

    This is the gameplay teaser from the Escape from Tarkov: Arena game where players embark on a mission that will include intense close-quarter fighting. The trailer shows off a lot of what to expect from this game, but this is a PvP game so you never know how things are going to work out, this is going to be more like a gladiator fight than anything else and we wouldn’t want it any other way.

    To find out more about the Escape from Tarkov: Arena game go to the official game website here

    #EscapefromTarkovArena #EscapefromTarkov #Arena #Games #Gaming #EpicGames #PvP #Gameplay #CombatGames #Battles #Warfare #Tarkov

  • Rise of Elements is now live on Kickstarter

    Rise of Elements is now live on Kickstarter

    The first game from the Wicked Fox Games studio the Rise of Elements can be found on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter where it has already seen some action from interested people who have pledged to help the project reach its target. The game is what we would call a role-playing game with puzzles and a choice of champions. Of course the great thing about pledging on Kickstarter is that you get perks and the more that you pledge the better the perk is, so what are you waiting for?

    To find out more about the Rise of Elements game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Kickstarter here

    #RiseofElements #WickedFoxGames #Crowdfunding #RPG #PuzzleGame #PlayableDemo #Steam #PvP #Games #Gaming #Kickstarter #TrishaHershberger

  • Warhammer 40000 Darktide  Nightmares and Visions Update

    Warhammer 40000 Darktide Nightmares and Visions Update

    Here is another free update for the Warhammer 40,000: Darktide game offering some new in-game activity, the usual expected improvements and the Havoc end-game mode. The actual update is bringing quite a lot to the game, we have just given the highlights and more details can be found on the links below. Players do not have to wait long either, this free game update will be available on the 25th of March.

    To find out more about the Warhammer 40,000: Darktide game go to the official game website here

    #Warhammer40000Darktide #Warhammer #Darktide #Games #Gaming #GamesWorkshop #Fatshark #GameUpdate #SciFi #PC #Xbox #PlayStation #Steam

  • Roman Triumph: Survival City Builder coming to Steam soon

    Roman Triumph: Survival City Builder coming to Steam soon

    Players find themselves on the outer reaches of the Roman Empire in charge of a new city, they must take control of the city, the people, army and make sure that the city grows in order to return the investment back to the empire. This may sound easy enough but it is never going to be easy, there are rebels, traitors and natural disasters all hell-bent on stopping the city from growing. The Roman Triumph: Survival City Builder will be launching on Steam Early Access in early April.

    To find out more about the Roman Triumph: Survival City Builder game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #RomanTriumph #SurvivalCityBuilder #Romans #Games #Gaming #RomanTriumphSurvivalCityBuilder #SIM #History #CoreffectInteractive #ForkliftInteractive #Steam #SteamEarlyAccess

  • Set sail with the Seafarer: The Ship Sim

    Set sail with the Seafarer: The Ship Sim

    Setting sail on the high seas is the dream of many, but for some, this is just a way of life and in the Seafarer: The Ship Sim players can take control of a variety of ships and boats, from pleasure cruising to massive cargo ships, each comes with its own set of skills to master and for some, there are dangers too. In this game, players will be able to have the freedom of the ship no matter what size it is, walk around the decks, take in the views and not forgetting the ship’s mission. The Seafarer: Ship Sim will be launching into Early Access this Summer.

    To find out more about the Seafarer: The Ship Sim go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #SeafarerTheShipSim #Seafarer #ShipSim #Ships #Boats #Sailing #AstragonEntertainment #IndependentArtsSoftware #Steam #SteamEarlyAccess #PCGames #Games #Gaming #Maritime

  • The Dreamworld: The Infinite Sandbox MMO

    The Dreamworld: The Infinite Sandbox MMO

    Here is a chance to check the DreamWorld game and get a close-up look at the game where players use tools to build structures, explore the map, search for resources and battle with the bosses. The developers of the DreamWorld game will be releasing a free playtest for players and all they need to do is request access on Steam now and make sure to add to their wishlist at the same time.

    To find out more about the DreamWorld game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #DreamWorld #Gameplay #NewGames #Games #Gaming #MMO #Steam #Playtest #Steam #SteamEarlyAccess #DreamworldTheInfiniteSandboxMMO #DreamForge #Discord

  • Splintered launching on Steam Early Access soon

    Splintered launching on Steam Early Access soon

    Coming soon to Steam Early Access is the Splintered game that has already gained some serious following in Japan so it is a given that this game will be a solid success when it is released on Steam Early Access in a couple of weeks time. Players will be able to enjoy the classic 8-bit gaming styling, fighting off dragons and a truly addictive gameplay that will keep them coming back more and more.

    To find out more about the Splintered game go to the games page on Steam for Early Access

    #Splintered #Steam #SteamEarlyAccess #NewGames #Games #Gaming #RichardMurtland #DotMakeStudios #RPG #8BitGame #Dragons #Randomizer #Japan

  • Lilac 0 new SHMUP Launches On Steam

    Lilac 0 new SHMUP Launches On Steam

    Take a trip back in time with the Lilac 0 game, no we are not talking about time travel as such, we are talking about game history as this game has all the looks and feel of a retro game, but it has all the benefits of being a new game. The game is basically a shmup that comes with that essential classic arcade feel everything that you want from the game and much more. The Lilac O game is available right now for PC on Steam.

    To find out more about the Lilac 0 game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Lilac0 #SHMUP #Steam #VictorPouderoux #Digerati #STG #Games #Gaming #ArcadeGames #Warriors #Steam #SciFi #NewGames #Molybdion #PixelArt #Robots

  • Coming this year is the Absolum beat em up game

    Coming this year is the Absolum beat em up game

    When it comes to arcade games you cannot beat the classic such as the beat’em up style action games and with the Absolum game this is exactly what you are getting and more! This game offers players the classic brawler action combined with quests and refined combat to produce a wonderfully put-together game that promises to engage players right from the start until the end, just as a good game should be. The Absolum game will be launching on PC, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation this year.

    To find out more about the Absolum game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Absolum #PC #NintendoSwitch #PlayStation #Games #Gaming #NewGames #Steam #ArcadeGames #Combat #Melee #Dotemu #Supamonks #GuardCrushGames

  • Ephemeris space strategy game gets funding

    Ephemeris space strategy game gets funding

    When it comes to developing games it is not always about just getting the game made, sometimes developers need help in the finance department and in the case of the development team behind Ephemeris the space strategy game this is something that they no longer have to worry about as they have announced that the game has secured funding that will allow the game to be developed at a faster pace and so we can expect to be seeing the game within the year.

    To find out more about the Ephemeris game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Ephemeris #Visionist #YrdvaabOy #Games #Gaming #SciFi #NewGames #SpaceStrategy #TuomasPöyhtäri #IndieGoGo #Crowdfunding #SpaceCombat #SpaceTravel #Spacecraft

  • Until Then is available now on PC and PlayStation

    Until Then is available now on PC and PlayStation

    Become tangled up in a web of eerieness in Until Then, players will find themselves playing the part of a high school boy whose life is different from everyone else’s and yet as he faces up to these challenges he must unravel a mystery before it is too late. This is a classic visual novel game and there is the thrill of it, this is a game that makes the player think about what is happening here and that is not a bad thing. Until Then is available right now on PC and PlayStation.

    To find out more about the Until Then game go to the official game website here the games page on Steam here or go to the PlayStation Store here

    #UntilThen #PCGames #PlayStation #MaximumEntertainment #PolychromaGames #Philippines #Steam #VisualNovelFest #Games #Gaming #IndieGames #Eerie #Horror

  • Scholar of the Arcane Arts launching on Steam next week

    Scholar of the Arcane Arts launching on Steam next week

    The hand-drawn Scholar of the Arcane Arts game will be leaving Early Access and launching on Steam soon so that players will be able to enjoy the pixel art roguelike RPG in full with all that it offers. Enjoy magic, spells and wizardry to defeat the invaders who want to destroy your realm. The goal is to move through the planes of magic, collect and combine spells, solve puzzles and unlock dungeons. The Scholar of the Arcane Arts game will be available from the 11th of March.

    To find out more about the Scholar of the Arcane Arts game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #ScholaroftheArcaneArts #PixelArt #Roguelike #RPG #Steam #ESDigitalGames #CourtesyofEndo #Games #Gaming #NewGames #Magic #Wizard

  • Wind Story A Pixel-Style Simulation RPG

    Wind Story A Pixel-Style Simulation RPG

    This is the Wind Story a game where the players find themselves at a ranch and are looking forward to spending a bit of time chilling out farming, fishing and generally doing stuff that you would expect to find in the country. This life seems to be wonderful and it looks like a great opportunity to expand and make Wind Charm Ranch a place where other people can visit and experience life in the country. Wind Story the pixel-style simulation RPG will be launching on Steam for PC and on the Nintendo Switch soon.

    To find out more about the Wind Story game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #WindStory #NintendoSwitch #IndieGames #Pixel #Sim #RPG #Games #Gaming #NewGames #BluSpedStudio #Steam #NintendoSwitch #Ranch #SuperIndieGames

  • Sultans Game Strategic Card-Based RPG Out Soon

    Sultans Game Strategic Card-Based RPG Out Soon

    This is the Sultan’s Game you are one of the Sultan’s ministers and he has ordered you to take a card and complete the challenge within a certain amount of time, or else! These challenges can be anything but one thing is for sure this is not going to be easy and failure will result in execution, so there is not much choice you must get on with the challenge and save your life! The Sultan’s Game will be launching on Steam on the 31st of March.

    To find out more about the Sultan’s Game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #SultansGame #Art #Steam #NewGames #Games #Gaming #DoubleCrossStudio #2PGames #RPG #CardBasedGames #PC #Sultan

  • Blast From The Past Head Over Heels Deluxe Is Back

    Blast From The Past Head Over Heels Deluxe Is Back

    Back in the eighties, the Head Over Heels game was a hit on the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC, now it is coming to the Nintendo Switch and on PC thanks to SpecNext. Now players will be able to get a taste of this enhanced version of the game when it is released in a few days on the 6th of March on PC and later on in the year for the Nintendo Switch.

    To find out more about the Head Over Heels: Deluxe game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #HeadOverHeels #RetroGames #ClassicGames #Games #Gaming #PCGames #NintendoSwitch #SpecNext #SciFi #HeadOverHeelsDeluxe #ZXSpectrum

  • New Content Update For Atomic Picnic

    New Content Update For Atomic Picnic

    Here is a game that is based on anime and science fiction, it is Atomic Picnic and this game has just got its first major content update. This update comes while the game is still in Early Access on Steam, it brings in a new character, an improved discoveries system and new weapon mods, together these changes make the game enjoyable, UI improvement and a few tweaks here and there.

    To find out more about the Atomic Picnic game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #AtomicPicnic #Games #Gaming #SciFi #NewGames #Sniper #CoopGame #RoguelikeShooter #BitCakeStudio #GameUpdate #MadMushroom #SteamEarlyAccess

  • Watch the HYPERxFANTASY demo trailer

    Watch the HYPERxFANTASY demo trailer

    Just saying that a game is good, groundbreaking or something else is one thing, but the true test is the demo and in the case of the HYPERxFANTASY game, this is brilliant it is a game that offers a thrilling, exciting and different RPG. Players enter a brutalist dystopian world where breaking the rules can lead to death. The game has a demo and players will be taken on a tour and there is even a minigame to get hands-on with. The HYPERxFANTASY Demo is now live on Steam!

    To find out more about the HYPERxFANTASY game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam

    #HYPERxFANTASY #HYPER #FANTASY #Dystopia #RPG #SciFi #Games #NewGames #Gaming #GameDemo #MiniGames #Robots #Steam #Mystery

  • The Hunt Begins On Monster Hunter Wilds

    The Hunt Begins On Monster Hunter Wilds

    For an experienced hunter, there is nothing better than taking on the Monster Hunter Wilds game where there are some fierce and dangerous monsters of all sizes just waiting for the chance to take out a hunter. Players will enter the forbidden lands in search of the mythical white wraith and other monsters while exploring the biomes that are scattered around offering different ecosystems with a variety of resources. The Monster Hunter Wilds co-op action RPG game is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC via Steam.

    To find out more about the Monster Hunter Wilds game go to the official game website here

    #MonsterHunterWilds #Monster #Hunting #Hunted #Games #Gaming #NewGames #Capcom #RPG #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #MHWilds #Hunters #DLC #Steam

  • Folklands Released On Early Access End Of March

    Folklands Released On Early Access End Of March

    Put down some roots with the Folklands City Builder game where players are able to start a colony in the best location and help it grow into a town and then on to becoming a city, of course, that is easier than it sounds as there are many factors involved in ensuring that the community survives and thrives. The player’s journey can begin sooner than later when it launches its Early Access on Steam on the 24th of March.

    To find out more about the Folklands game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Folklands #Games #Gaming #Newgames #GameTrailer #Steam #City #CityBuilder #LightUpGames #ColonySim #CityBuilder #BromanticGames #EarlyAccess