Tag: #Gaming

  • Fallout 76 Season 16 Duel with the Devil

    Fallout 76 Season 16 Duel with the Devil

    The world as we knew it may have changed and yet while some lucky people had the luxury of living it up in well equipped shelters the world outside and above has moved on. Only when those living in the vaults are forced to search for resources do they realise that there is a new exciting, wonderful and sometimes dangerous world thriving on the surface. But all is not what it might seem. This is Fallout 76 and the world is waiting for you!

    Find out more about the Fallout 76 game and the season updates here; https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/2DYDC3V2xXAbO11gg9FVjq/seasons-updates-coming-with-fallout-76-season-16-duel-with-the-devil

    #Fallout #Fallout76 #BethesdaSoftworks #RipDaring #JerseyDevil #NurseGuinevere #Percival #Cryptid #VaultDweller #SciFi #Game #Gamers #Gaming

  • Sea of Stars Dance of Five Million Suns

    Sea of Stars Dance of Five Million Suns

    The turn-based game is one of those adventures that will frustrate, confuse and give you so much joy, that it is hard to ignore the Sea of Stars is one of these games and it must not be missed. This is a coop game that allows three players to compete in a wonderous place that is full of magical challenges and mysteries to solve, are you ready to take on the journey of a lifetime?

    To find out more about the Sea of Stars games and where to pre-order the game visit here; https://seaofstars.iam8bit.com/us/

    #SabotageStudio #SeaofStars #CoopGames #NewGames #TurnBasedGames #AdventureGames #Gameplay #GameTrailer #PreOrderGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Sea of Stars Three Player Couch Co-op Action

    Sea of Stars Three Player Couch Co-op Action

    The turn-based game is one of those adventures that will frustrate, confuse and give you so much joy, that it is hard to ignore the Sea of Stars is one of these games and it must not be missed. This is a coop game that allows three players to compete in a wonderous place that is full of magical challenges and mysteries to solve, are you ready to take on the journey of a lifetime?

    To find out more about the Sea of Stars games and where to pre-order the game visit here; https://seaofstars.iam8bit.com/us/

    #SabotageStudio #SeaofStars #CoopGames #NewGames #TurnBasedGames #AdventureGames #Gameplay #GameTrailer #PreOrderGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Dead by Daylight All Things Wicked

    Dead by Daylight All Things Wicked

    When it comes to certain games, it seems that killing the enemy is the goal and we think nothing of it, but in this game, you can play the role of a killer, while the others play the role of the survivors. While the struggle is to get away, the killer is out to stop them and sacrifice the survivors in order to ensure that you are the last player to survive. This is one game that is really messed up and totally thrilling, can you handle this?

    Find out more about the Dead by Daylight game and pre-order it here; https://buythegame.deadbydaylight.com/

    #DeadbyDaylight #AllThingsWicked #Horror #Mystery #Thriller #Game #Gaming #Gamers #NewGames #Survivors #EpicGames #Escape #Killer

  • Minecraft x Marketplace Pass

    Minecraft x Marketplace Pass

    If you are thinking that it is about time to get more from your Minecraft gaming experience then your luck is in as this is the Minecraft Marketplace Pass and with it you can make the gaming experience your own with new content, outfits, textures and much more, so if you are really going to get the most from Minecraft then you might want to give the Marketplace Pass a go.

    Find out more about the Minecraft Marketplace Pass here; https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/marketplace-pass

    #MinecraftMarketplacePass #Minecraft #MarketplacePass #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Biomes #Content #Blocks #MinecraftGames

  • Game Dev Tycoon on Netflix

    Game Dev Tycoon on Netflix

    You might think that running a successful games development business is easy, simply create a cool game and let the cash come rolling in. Well, it might not be as easy as that, but you can find out with the Game Dev Tycoon game from Netflix. Come up with ideas, create the game idea, build a team, get financing and launch the game hoping that it’s a success and hasn’t wasted everyone’s time and effort in the process. This is your chance to get hands-on experience in running a game design studio, do you have what it takes?

    Find out more about the Game Dev Tycoon game on Netflix here; https://www.netflix.com/game/81636737

    #GameDevTycoon #Netflix #Games #Gaming #Gamers #GamesDevelopment #GamesDesign #MobileGaming #DesignGames #Software #Apps #NetflixGames #GameDev

  • Battlefield 2042 Season 7 Turning Point Gameplay

    Battlefield 2042 Season 7 Turning Point Gameplay

    This is a mission that will need all of your skills, talent and cunning to secure one of the planets most valuable resources from one of the most hostile deserts in Chile! This is no ordinary mission there are plenty of dangers to watch out for, but you do get some improved weaponry such as the remotely controlled aerial bomber as well as future updates too, this is massive and it is all or nothing, ready?

    Find out more about the Battlefield 2042 game for season 7 here; https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/buy

    #Battlefield2042 #Battlefield #WeAreNoPats #EAGames #Warfare #Gaming #Games #Gamers #Combat #Battlepass #WarGames #Missions

  • Could you be an F1 Manager

    Could you be an F1 Manager

    Managing an F1 Team might sound easy enough but there many things going on behind the scenes that make this role one of the most difficult, stressful and enjoyable roles in sport. This is your chance to literally be the driving force behind the team, looking out for new talent, sponsors and plans to take your team to the top of the standings and keep it there until the end of the season, do you have what it takes?

    Find out more about the F1 Team Manager game here; https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/f1-manager-2024-fe51bd

    #F1 #F1TeamManager #MotorRacing #F1Team #Racing #Cars #Grid #RaceTrack #Sports #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • PUBG 7th Anniversary Party Trailer

    PUBG 7th Anniversary Party Trailer

    It is hard to imagine that it has been seven years of survival for the players of PUBG Battlegrounds, it seems that it’s not all about landing safely, looting as much stuff as you can manage and then finally being able to survive all of the other players trying to do the same thing. This is the beauty of Player Unknowns Battlegrounds and as we enter this 7th anniversary we can expect some more of the same and maybe even something new too!

    To find out more about the seven-year anniversary of Player Unknowns Battlegrounds visit the game website here; https://pubg.com/en-eu/news/7082

    #PUBG7YEARS #PUBG #BATTLEGROUNDS #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #PUBGBattlegrounds #Games #Gamers #Gaming #BattleRoyale #LandLootSurvive

  • Olympus comes to Fortnite

    Olympus comes to Fortnite

    Olympus is coming to Fortnite with the Myths and Mortals battle pass, this will bring some of the most famous heroes to the battlefield including Hades and Zeus as well as some cool outfits to help you fit in such as the Aphrodite, Slurpseidon, Artemis, Zeus, Hades, Medusa, Cerberus, and Korra costumes just waiting to be unlocked and bring the world of the gods to the Fortnite island.

    To find out more about the Fortnite Myths and Mortals game visit the game page here; http://fn.gg/mythsandmortals

    #FortniteMythsAndMortals #FortniteSeason2 #FortniteCh5S2 #Fortnite #BattleRoyale #Games #Gamers #Gaming #BattlePass

  • Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection

    Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection

    Sometimes it’s great to pick up a classic game and see just how cool it was, but these days with different formats and consoles it is not always possible, however when it comes to Star Wars Battlefront this is entirely possible as it is coming out on March the 14th for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox and PC via Steam, the force is very strong with this game.

    Find out more about the Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection here; https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-battlefront-classic-collection

    #StarWars #BattlefrontClassicCollection #StarWarsBattlefrontClassicCollection #SciFi #Games #NintendoSwitch #PlayStation #Xbox #PC #Steam #Gaming

  • rAIse The Stakes Synduality Echo of Ada

    rAIse The Stakes Synduality Echo of Ada

    It is time to rAIse The Stakes in the Synduality Echo of Ada game, the world as we know has long disapeared on the surface there are many dangers to be weary of which is why you have a MAGUS as your AI companion, you can customise this to suit your needs as you explore the surface for valuable resources to take back and ensure that your community survives. Currently, this game is in closed beta but will be available at the end of this month.

    Find out more about the Synduality Echo of Ada game here; https://www.bandainamcoent.com/synduality-echo-of-ada-closed-beta-test

    #SyndualityEchoofAda #Synduality #EchoofAda #AI #ClosedBeta #PlayStation #Xbox #Steam #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #rAIseTheStakes

  • Dare You Enter A Void Hope

    Dare You Enter A Void Hope

    Imagine a collapsed city where an illness is taking its toll on the inhabitants and you are tasked with a mission to find a cure before it is too late, but that sounds a lot easier than it sounds. This is a brilliant atmospheric narrative adventure game following a couple as they navigate their way around nightmares and visions that could be a threat to the city and the people that live there. You will need to stay foccussed on what it happening in front of you and what is lying in wait around every corner, are you ready for the A Void Hope game?

    Find out more about the A Void Hope game here; https://avoidhope.com/

    #NintendoSwitch #AVoidHope #EldenPixels #Steam #GOG #AtmosphericNarrativeAdventure #Games #SciFi #Gaming #CollapsedCity

  • Heavenly Bodies on Nintendo Switch

    Heavenly Bodies on Nintendo Switch

    This is Heavenly Bodies the game where are a cosmonaut on a space station where zero gravity is in charge available for the Nintendo Switch right now. It’s been a long wait since the game became available for the PC, PS5 and PS4 players. In this game, you play alone or as a team to ensure that the space station is in safe hands and that means working to keep the station working within its limits and surviving all of the problems that space can throw at you from time to time.

    Find out more about the Heavenly Bodies game coming to Nintendo Switch here; https://heavenlybodiesgame.com/

    #HeavenlyBodies #NintendoSwitch #HeavenlyBodiesGame #2ptstudio #Cosmonaut #Space #SpaceTravel #ZeroGravity #Games #Gaming

  • The Cluckin Bell Farm Raid GTA Online

    The Cluckin Bell Farm Raid GTA Online

    There is a welcome waiting for you on GTA Online from the Los Santos Police Department as they are on the lookout for crimes and criminals in the city, so if you are looking for a fast way of making some cash and are not bothered about the LSPD, then you are in the right place. This is the Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid adventure and it is coming next week on March the 7th to GTA Online, are you ready?

    Find out more about the GTA Online game here; https://www.rockstargames.com/gta-online

    #GTAOnline #GTA #RockstarGames #GrandTheftAuto #ViceCity #LosSantosPoliceDepartment #LSPD #Cars #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • The Walking Dead Michonne Bundle on Call of Duty

    The Walking Dead Michonne Bundle on Call of Duty

    What better crossover could there be than The Walking Dead TV series and the Call of Duty game, well as astonishing as it might sound this is actually happening and the video above will show you what the Michonne bundle has to offer, this is one of those games where you will have to watch out for the living and dead, there are not many games that can claim that is there?

    Find out more about The Walking Dead Michonne Bundle on the Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare game here; https://www.callofduty.com/playnow/warzone

    #TheWalkingDead #Michonne #CallofDutyWarzone #CallofDutyModernWarfare #WalkingDead #Gaming #Gamers #CallofDuty #Warzone #ModernWarfare

  • Rainbow Six Siege Year 9 Overview

    Rainbow Six Siege Year 9 Overview

    There is nothing like a look back into the past in order to understand the future or the present, in this we are looking at the Year 9 of Rainbow Six Siege and it has to be said there is a lot to talk about, yet we are lucky that there is the video above to help us with the recap of the year and as we always say there is nothing better than a video to tell a story. So sit back and take a look at the Rainbow Six Siege Year 9 overview.

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Rainbow Six Siege Deadly Omen Operator Gameplay

    Rainbow Six Siege Deadly Omen Operator Gameplay

    It is time to take a closer look at the Rainbow Six Siege game with this Deadly Omen Operator gameplay video featuring the masked villain Deimos, with plenty of tricks up his sleeve to take the battle to the enemy and win. This is a brilliant piece of gameplay to watch as it gives you an insight into how this next season is going to work out, are you ready for this much excitement?

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Rainbow Six Siege Elite Ying

    Rainbow Six Siege Elite Ying

    It can never be said that Rainbow Six Siege is one of those games that becomes boring or even dated after a while, in fact, there is the Elite Ying set that is available now just goes to show that things are always changing and getting better, in this case, you will be getting the Augmented Reality headgear, uniform, victory dance, gadget skin, operator cards and cool weapon skins, so this just goes to show that you never call Rainbow Six Siege boring or a bit of the same thing going on, if you dont believe us check it out for yourself.

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Rainbow Six Siege Operation Deadly Omen

    Rainbow Six Siege Operation Deadly Omen

    Welcome to the Rainbow Six Siege game and the upcoming Operation Deadly Omen that is coming soon, your skills and courage will be tested to the limit as this game will take you to new limits beyond what you might expect from Rainbow Six Siege and the new Operation Deadly Omen addition to the gameplay, there is only one question, are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Rainbow Six Siege Deimos Mysterious Past

    Rainbow Six Siege Deimos Mysterious Past

    To become victorious in the future it is sometimes a good idea to look into the past in order to learn from mistakes and make the changes necessary to gain the advantage in order to win the fight. After all, isn’t that what Rainbow Six Siege is all about, learning, adapting and taking on the enemy in all sorts of locations?

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game series here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates