Tag: #IndieIo

  • Traveler’s Refrain the Music-Driven Action RPG

    Traveler’s Refrain the Music-Driven Action RPG

    Music, magic and action will be in store for players of the Traveler’s Refrain game, where players will be exploring the forbidden forest looking for a long-lost love. Armed only with a magical bouzouki this is going to be a journey of discovery, this is one of those games that manages to bring both music and a story together in one exciting package. The Traveler’s Refrain game will be launching on the 11th of April on Steam.

    To find out more about the Traveler’s Refrain game go to the official game website here https://www.redessencegames.com/ or go to the game page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/DPoMN

    #TravelersRefrain #games #gaming #newgames #indiegames #steam #Music #Action #RPG #indieio #RedEssenceGames #musicgames #actionrpg #steamgames

  • Hauntsville out now on Steam

    Hauntsville out now on Steam

    The wait is finally over for the horror game Hauntsville that is set in the Wild West in the nineteenth century to become available. This game is one of those games that mixes up a whole lot of genres such as horror, science fiction, western and mystery so this game has a lot to offer players who will find themselves stranded in a virtually abandoned frontier town. The Hauntsville game is available now for PC on Steam.

    To find out more about the Hauntsville game go to the official game website here https://hauntsville.net/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/nVQR8

    #Hauntsville #Horror #Survival #Steam #MichaelJanisch #indieio #Games #Gaming #WildWest #Mystery #Folklore #CoopGames #NewGames #SteamNextFest

  • Hauntsville The Western Survival Horror Game

    Hauntsville The Western Survival Horror Game

    If you thought that the old west in the US was wild then think on because this is Hauntsville a game that brings together survival and horror all in one exciting game. Hauntsville is an open-world game set in 19th-century America where something evil is terrorising a frontier town. Players take on the role of a traveller who has stumbled into this nightmare. The Hauntsville game is available on Steam for PC players.

    To find out more about the Hauntsville game go to the official game website here https://hauntsville.net/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/D20uk

    #Hauntsville #WildWest #SurvivalGame #HorrorGame #Games #Gaming #NewGames #MichaelJanisch #indieio #Shooter #Steam #CoopGame

  • SCP Fragmented Minds On Early Access Now

    SCP Fragmented Minds On Early Access Now

    There is a new horror science fiction game going into early access today it is called the SCP Fragmented Minds and it will take players on a journey that they will never forget. Earth is in chaos and the top secret facility on Mars that houses some of the most dangerous anomalies is in danger of losing control. Players must investigate, explore and discover what is happening, not an easy task. The SCP Fragmented Minds is available now on Steam Early Access.

    To find out more about the SCP Fragmented Minds game go to the official game website here https://www.hstgamestudios.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/gdlfO

    #SCPFragmentedMinds #Games #NewGames #indiegames #UpcomingGames #SciFi #Gaming #scp #scpfoundation #horror #videogames #indieio #HSTGameStudios

  • Coming soon on Steam is Everwarder

    Coming soon on Steam is Everwarder

    This is the new Everwarder game it is a mix of tower defence strategy and roguelite action game but this is more than that with a timed survival feature that just piles on the pressure through the game and that makes this game so exciting for the player. The Everwarder game will be available for PC on Steam from the 6th of February.

    To find out more about the Everwarder game go to the games page on Steam here https://bit.ly/Everwarder

    #Everwarder #indiegames #upcominggames #gaming #videogames #towerdefense #qLate #indieio #games #Gaming #Roguelite #Newgames

  • GI Joe Wrath Of Cobra launching on PC soon

    GI Joe Wrath Of Cobra launching on PC soon

    Cobra is back and that means GI Joe is getting a call-up to save the world again, G.I. Joe: Wrath Of Cobra is everything you want from this kind of game, it has a nostalgic and classic feel to it. What’s more, players will be able to choose from some of the game’s favourite characters such as Duke, Scarlett, Snake Eyes, Gung-ho and Roadblock to take Cobra Commander, Storm Shadow, Destro, Zartan and Baroness of Cobra at locations such as Cobra Island, the Pit, and Cobra’s top-secret underwater base. G.I. Joe: Wrath Of Cobra will be launching on PC on the 26th of September.

    To find out more about the GI Joe: Wrath Of Cobra game go the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2516170/GI_Joe_Wrath_of_Cobra/ or go to the official games website here https://www.indie.io/games

    #GIJoeWrathOfCobra #GIJoe #WrathOfCobra #MaplePoweredGames #PC #Steam #EpicGamesStore #GOG #NintendoSwitch #Xbox #PlayStation #Games #Gaming #SciFi #Indieio

  • Pinball Spire on Steam this October

    Pinball Spire on Steam this October

    Are you a pinball wizard or just someone who remembers what it was like in those old games arcades, either way, the good news is that a new game Pinball Spire will be appearing on Steam next month, once released you will be able to play pinball like it was in the past with all of the sounds and lights that used to accompany these fantastic games machines were. Bringing pinball back is a great idea and hopefully, this is going to be one of those games that fills the void that has been missing for some time.

    To find out more about the Pinball Spire game head to the official website here https://apparitiongames.com/ or for your wishlist go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2601940/Pinball_Spire/

    #Pinball #PinballSpire #indiegames #pinball #pcgaming #actionadventure #gamearcades #retrogames #games #gaming #gamers #ApparitionGames #indieio

  • Renaissance Kingdom Wars Official Launch Trailer

    Renaissance Kingdom Wars Official Launch Trailer

    Take a step back into the history books to a time when wars and kingdoms were very different this is the Renaissance Kingdom Wars game where strategy, planning and shear determination plays a part in every action that you make. This is the game where you push your army into battle and hope that they return, if they do not then your kingdom is at risk. Remember not all battlefields are the same and how you plan the battle must take into consideration climate, location and conditions of the ground. Build your cities, manage your resources and seek a diplomatic soloution to hostilities, maybe then you can master the Renaissance Kingdom Wars.

    Find out more about the Renaissance Kingdom Wars game here on Steam; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2533020/Renaissance_Kingdom_Wars/

    #indiegames #strategygames #earlyaccess #RenaissanceKingdomWars #OfficialLaunchTrailer #indieio #ReverieWorldStudios #RTS #Strategy #Gameplay #Renaissance #Gaming #Gamers #Games

  • Shell Runner Enters Early Access Soon

    Shell Runner Enters Early Access Soon

    Set in the not too distant future is the Shell Runner game where you play the part of a mercenary carrying a shell, but lose it and you lose everything. Play as a lone warrior or team up with others in order to complete your missions. Players can gain early access on Steam from the 15th of July, so there is not too long to wait for this trip into this brutal dystopian world, are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Shell Runner game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2622280/Shell_Runner/

    #ShellRunner #SciFi #IndieIo #Reija #Dystopian #Cyberpunk #PvE #ExtractionLooterShooter #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Future #Shooter #ShellRunnerEarlyAccess #Steam