There is a great thing about game playtests and that is getting to know the game before its fully launched. In this case, the game is Exoborne an open-world tactical extraction shooter game set on a planet that has become a victim of severe forces of nature. In this playtest players will be able to take advantage of all of the game’s features and resources in order to find out what all the fuss is about. The Exoborne playtest will be running from February 12th to the 17th and will be available on Steam for PC players.
To find out more about the Exoborne game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here
#Exoborne #Playtest #NewGame #Games #Gaming #SciFi #Sharkmob #OpenWorld #TacticalExtractionShooter #Survivors #PvP #PvE #Combat