Fight! Salvage! Explore! Homeworld Mobile!

It was important to us to find out how important characters, factions, and ships truly are to the fans of Homeworld, and we received a ton of awesome feedback – some of it expected, and some pleasantly surprising!

We all know Karan S’jet is an integral part of the Homeworld flavour, so instead, we wanted to look at what faction identity means to you. The good guys won out, with the Hiigarans, Bentusi, and Progenitors coming out on top – far ahead of the pirates, and even the Taiidan. We believe this shows us just how important the role of emotional connection is, and it’s something we want to focus on further with the hope that we can re-create that same unique connection you have built with the Bentusi and Hiigarans alike.

More surprisingly, it appears that ships are just as important to you as characters, with the Mothership coming a close second to Karan for most important narrative elements.

What with the visual immersion of Homeworld being so exciting for you, as well as your love for the ships, we’ve been busy creating amazing new ship designs that will build a strong sense of character and identity.

Homeworld’s story has always been its bread and butter, but we wanted to get a better idea of what this means to you. The survey responses were a great help – not only to clarify our direction but to inspire us the way Homeworld has inspired all of you.

We believed that the narrative was absolutely integral to the franchise – and you overwhelmingly agreed. The single-player experience is something we always planned to focus heavily on, and it gives us huge confidence to hear and read this is what you want too. What makes this comforting from a production perspective is that prioritizing single-player has always been the case for Homeworld development.

We have been looking closely at previous Homeworld games to really get an idea of the core elements that make it so unique. We also asked you what the most important themes were in the franchise, and the top answers were: exploration, redemption, and exodus. We agree, and we are working hard to craft a narrative that really speaks to the true Homeworld experience – and to all of you.

As part of the survey, we asked you what narrative elements spoke to you the most. Among the top were monoliths, which told us that you found environmental storytelling to be not only exciting but a fundamental part of the Homeworld experience. We aim to take this franchise further than ever before, and we’re excited to share that we’ve been busy building massive interactable environments using monoliths that will truly immerse you in the universe and the story.

For more information check out the Homeworld website!

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