Are Flip Phones the Next Big Craze?

Before Apple revolutionised the industry courtesy of the iPhone, flip phones were a major force on the mobile phone market. 

From the classic Motorola Razr to a host of flip PDAs, the noughties were awash with phones that flipped. While the past decade was undoubtedly dominated by the ware between Apple and Android, the twenties could be about to witness another significant shift thanks to the rebirth of the flip phone. 

A number of new models are hitting the market and attracting a lot of attention. Could they be the next big craze in the mobile phone sector? Let’s find out.

Retro Appeal Meets Simplicity & Function

Nostalgia is a big seller. As millennials and older members of Gen Z look to recapture their youth, the appeal of reconnecting to their youth by using the phone they loved during their teen years is very strong indeed. Alternatively, a more modern version such as the LG B470 brings some of the more modern online features to the table while still possessing the classic aesthetic.

However, many users are turning back to the flip phone thanks to its simplicity. Flip phones don’t try to match the capabilities of advanced smartphones. Instead, they focus on the principle functions of calls, texts, and basic organisational features. This removes the threat of mobile phone addiction due to the distractions of modern smartphones, which many believe allows them to lead a better life. 

A More Accessible Option For Older Generations

In today’s climate, most people can benefit from having a mobile. However, older generations like Baby Boomers may feel alienated by the advanced features of modern smartphones. Flip phones offer a simple and more accessible solution. Meanwhile, users with arthritis and limited dexterity often find the clam-shaped devices and physical buttons easier to use than touchscreens.

Demographic statistics show that modern social media platforms like TikTok and Snapchat are far more appealing to teens and youth audiences. The simplicity of a flip phone, combined with the fact that the shell protects it from damage if dropped, has opened it up to a far bigger market, particularly first-time older mobile phone users. However, the ability to stand out from the world of iPhones appeals to youth audiences too.

Financial Flexibility 

High-end mobile phones have signalled major purchases for many years, but the most expensive models on the market now top out at over a grand! Even when the phone is used on a daily basis, it’s hard to justify the price tag when there are so many other purchases to be made in our lives. Flip phones offer far greater financial flexibility, not least because there is no pressure to chase the latest features.

The majority of modern generation flip phones are competitively priced, costing a fraction of the latest Apple iPhone or Samsung Galaxy. Meanwhile, used Motorola Razr’s and other devices can be picked up very cheaply and used with a sim only deal for exceptional value. Mobile phones are almost essential in the modern world, but nobody should be held to financial ransom. 


The attraction of flip phones are clear to see, and the fact that the likes of Apple and Samsung have invested heavily into the idea of versatile screens, such as wraparounds, shows that the days of the current smartphone may be coming to an end.

Will flip phones ever regain top spot on the market? Maybe not. Nonetheless, they are definitely back and will attract a lot of customers over the coming years. If the simplicity and style appeals to you, now is the time to act.

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