How To Easily and Securely Manage Your Fundraising Data

Fundraising is made infinitely easier and more successful when you give focus to the way in which that data is stored. This is an area that so many young companies don’t give enough attention to, yet in properly managing data from fundraising campaigns, future campaigns become far more likely to succeed and yield the funds which the business is looking for. 

There are some basic steps which ought to be considered when it comes to easily and securely managing data, so let’s take a look now at what your business can be doing differently. 

Using a CRM For Data Management 

There are some fantastic CRM options out there which non-profit companies can use to better manage their fundraising data. For example the MoveData NPSP Salesforce option makes perfect sense for so many companies and it will give them the perfect solution for both the migration and the management of data. Using a CRM is the right step to make for easier and more secure data management. 

Cleaning Your Data 

Cleaning data is essential to make sure that any future fundraising is done in an efficient way. Having outdated information about donors is only going to result in wasted time going forward, which will result in both ineffective fundraising and also far more complicated data storage. If you want to easily manage your data, you need to first ensure that it is accurate and that it will give you the information you will need, at the click of a button. 

Segmenting Data 

When it comes to fundraising, demographics offer highly important data points which are essential to the success which you may or may not have. For this reason it is essential that you make your life easier through the segmentation of data. This should include the giving history of donors, their communication preferences, any other interactions which they may have had with your company, as well as any events which they may have attended in the past, all of this information is important and when segregated it can increase efficiency and success. 

Constant Management 

The easiest way to manage the data is to constantly manage it. So many fall into the trap of updating the basic info around donor profiles but they then completely fault ensure that the data which they have remains up to date. The only way to ensure a healthy collection of data is to continuously look to update and improve it. The success of any fundraising campaign will be heavily dictated by how well the fundraising data has been stored and managed, that is why this is a job which will be ongoing, until fundraising is no longer required. 

The collection of data is every bit as important as the management of that data, ensure that your business gives sufficient attention to both aspects in equal measure, get this aspect right and you will find your fundraising levels increase, which is of course what the point of the data is really about. 

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