Samsung Smart Home! Sero and Galaxy!

Talking to your home and the appliances within it might sound a bit like science fiction, but this is happening today, so if you don’t want to be left out in the past, then you had better start looking at gearing your place up to become a smart home.

Imagine all of your major appliances, lighting, and heating etc being connected to your smartphone. well in the video above Samsung are showing just how cool it is to have a connected TV, simply hit TV on your phone and you are ready to cast.

Make your TV flip for social. Maximize your social feed viewing experience with a rotating TV. Tap your phone to cast mobile content – it’s easy to stream from your phone to the TV. With Tap View, all you have to do is touch your phone to the TV and content gets mirrored to the big screen.

If you like the idea of a home that is connected to all or most of your devices then why take a look at the Samsung Smart Home page here. It won’t be long before you are talking to your home like we don’t do that already!

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