7 Mistakes Beginner Vapers Tend to Make: Are You Guilty of Doing the Same?

While vaping may seem like a simple process, some mistakes may negatively impact the experience. Vapers of any experience level can make mistakes. Knowing what the errors are is the best way to avoid them.

Along with learning more at indejuice.com, find out about the most common mistakes that occur here.

  1. Not Priming the Coil

This is easy to forget. However, it can result in a nasty burnt hit. When a vapor primes their coil, they get some of the e-liquid on the wick before using it, which reduces the odds of a burnt hit, and it will help the coils last longer.

To prime, the coil, use the e-liquid bottle, and apply very small drops to the exposed parts of the wick. The precise procedure for this depends on the setup that is being used; however, it is a simple process no matter what. When first using a coil, take a few lights draws on the vape without touching the fire button and then wait about five minutes before using it. This helps to ensure the coil is fully primed.

  1. Not Caring for and Maintaining the Battery

It is essential to take care of the battery. This is going to make a huge difference in how long it will last. When not using the vape, turn it off to keep the battery from draining. When the vape is done charging, unplug it. Some vapers make the mistake of leaving the vapes plugged in all night, which is one of the easiest ways to drain and ruin the life of the battery.

Be sure not to leave the vape in a hot vehicle during the day. The battery may be severely damaged because of the high temperature, and it may explode.

  1. Choosing the Most Expensive or Cheapest Gear

When first starting out, it is smart to stick to the middle of the road when it comes to gear. There is no reason to choose gear that will break the bank. If someone goes for the cheapest gear, they may find that it is low quality, which results in a low-quality vaping experience. Spending too much money is not a smart move either, as there is no way to know if the new or higher-tech gear is necessary.

There are all sorts of vaping starter kits that range between $50 and $100. For this price, it is possible to get a quality vape that will last.

  1. Choose an E-Liquid with the Wrong Level of Nicotine

Modern e-liquids are available in several nicotine levels. If someone is trying to stop smoking, the right amount is enough to keep them from going back to cigarettes. As the person becomes accustomed to vaping, they can lower the nicotine amount. If a person is vaping as a hobby, they should start out with a lower level of nicotine. If they choose a level that is too high, it could make them sick.

  1. Sticking with the Same E-Liquid Every Time

It is only natural to find a few e-liquids that a vaper really enjoyed. However, if a person chooses the same vape flavor each time, they may develop something called the vaper’s tongue. This means that a person has used the same flavor for so long that they cannot even taste it anymore. To avoid this situation, it is a good idea to try out different flavors from time to time.

While a vaper does not have to give up their favorites, they should mix in something new to surprise the taste buds. Also, avoiding a vaper’s tongue usually lets someone find new flavors that they enjoy using.

  1. Not Changing the Coil as Often as Recommended

The coil of the vape being used will only last for a certain amount of time. After the coil begins to die, the vaping experience a person has will not be as good. They will begin to experience a much weaker flavor. This is because the coil is not strong enough, and the vaper is more likely to get the burnt hits.

There is no specific timeline when it comes to how often the coil should be changed. It depends on how much a person vapes along with the coil itself. If someone frequently vapes during the day, the average coil is going to last for around two weeks. However, this varies from vape to vape. When a person notices the strength of their hits has changed, it is a good sign the coil needs to be changed.

  1. Not Considering Others When Vaping

While vaping does not have the lasting odors or detrimental health effects of traditional tobacco cigarettes, it is still necessary to be careful about where vaping is done. Not everyone enjoys being near or in clouds of vape.

As a general rule of thumb, it is rude to vape in a location where someone would not smoke. At least check before doing this. When a vaper is courteous about when and where they vape, it will create a more positive impression of vapers overall.

Vaping Mistakes to Avoid

As seen from the information above, it is clear there are many mistakes that vapers may make when first starting out. Knowing what these are is the best way to avoid them.

As time passes, a person will know what to do and what to avoid when they vape. However, it is also helpful to know what some of the most common mistakes vapers make are. By keeping the mistakes in mind, it is possible to be a better vaper and enjoy the experience even more.

If someone is new to vaping and want more tips, they should speak with experienced or veteran vapers. They are likely full of helpful information for newbies. They may also be able to recommend vaping setups, e-liquids, and more. Being informed and knowing what mistakes to avoid are the best ways to have the best vaping experience possible.

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