Why You Need Fibre Optic

Ah, the internet. Our beautiful double-edged sword. 

Hands up – who has used the internet to try and stay sane this year? This is definitely not in reference to checking the news app every 5 minutes to see how long you are allowed to go outside. This question is about the Netflix binges or the Amazon Prime purchases at 2 a.m. for that bathroom towel warmer you now need more than anything. And what about gaming with our pals, and having the time to take on some intense battles while yelling insults at each other over the headsets?

There is a good chance that saying the internet has been our saving grace this year is absolutely not an overstatement, and considering everything that has been made online friendly and accessible to us online, it might just be a secret hope that these options stay there when we are allowed to be out in the world again.

In a world which demands everything at the speed of light with sprinkles on top, companies are scrambling to deliver, and this is no different when it comes to fibre optic cable.

This piece will look at why you should invest in this upgrade and be prepared to never look back.

What is Fibre Optic?

Fibre optic cable is an upgrade from the traditional copper cables, both of which are used for long distanced, high-performance data networking.

In comparison to original cable, fibre optic cable is comprised of photons and glass, over the original ‘copper and electrons’, which equates to more data and in a shorter amount of time – i.e. significantly less to zero buffering during intense moments of your favourite show.

Fibre Optic Offers More Bandwidth

Bandwidth is particularly important to businesses, allowing multiple users to download, watch and upload content at any given time. This ensures all employees can work seamlessly on all platforms without having to fight for the internet.

That being said, this option is now pretty important in the home, especially if there is a scenario which sees mum upstairs trying to watch the latest horror film, the son battling his way through WoW, and you desperately just trying to watch ‘The Office’ bloopers on YouTube without it buffering every 2 seconds – yes, these are all important things. In the day of digital households, there is little reason not to install fibre optic cabling to keep everyone sane and happy.

Fibre Optic and Faster Speeds

If you can have anything you want but faster, why wouldn’t you? Fibre optic is like copper cable’s little athletic sister. A new and improved version of the older model which parents will undoubtedly love more.

Because fibre optic operates at 70% of the speed of light, this far outweighs any copper cabling when it comes to the internet and phone usage, and interestingly, fibre optic also does not take up any more additional digital or physical space than its predecessor, which makes the switch a win-win. 

Fibre Optic Cable and Better Reliability

Imagine you have a deadline at 9 am, your alarm did not go off, the cat has been sick on the carpet, the dog has started treading it around the house, and when you finally get to your computer, you realise your cable is playing up. Maybe we can all agree that coffee will not cut it at that point.

Fibre optic gives users a much better promise of reliability for a few reasons. Not only does it work much faster, allowing you to do multiple things at once without freaking out, but the cables themselves can also stand the test of time through questionable weather changes which can be either in temperature or extreme conditions. Copper cables, however, do not fare well, and connectivity can be damaged or interfered with because of moisture, temperature issues, and weather corruption.

Upgrading to fibre optic will not stop your washing being left outside in the rain or your child refusing to put their socks on for the 7th request in a row, but at least you will know that when you finally get round to sitting down at your computer, the internet connection will not let you down, and that is basically all that really matters.

Lower Cost Than Copper

Fibre optic cable can sometimes have what would seem like a more costly charge upfront, as with most worthwhile investments, but in the long run, fibre optic cable will save you both money and several different causes of internet frustration. Who can put a price on that?

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