As soon as the battle starts on Rainbow Six Siege there is little time to think about it, you just have to get stuck in and use everything you have at your disposal to get through the level and onto the next.
However, you are not alone and there is help out there such as the video above where the team for Ubisoft news take on the new Tachanka rework in this gameplay video. It shows some great tips and tricks to use when you are playing the game and beating your enemies.
Rainbow Six Siege’s most meme-able Operator finally got a makeover. Tachanka has been reworked to make him more competitively viable and is available now on all platforms. Join the Ubisoft News team has they take him through the paces and introduce you to his fiery new gadget, the Shumikha Launcher.
The battle is waiting for you, for more details on the game and more go to the Rainbow Six Siege page on the Ubisoft website here.
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