The Tech Essentials You Need to Make Remote Working a Breeze

Having the right tech at hand can have a huge impact when it comes to remote working, either helping you breeze through your working day with ease, or setting up a major road block that leaves you frustrated, unproductive and miserable.

To avoid falling into the latter group, make sure you’ve got the tech essentials you need for both work and play. Read on to find out some of the top picks to add to your shopping list.

Connection you can count on

Having reliable and secure Internet access is an absolute must for anyone working from home or anywhere else. With so much of our daily activities based online, there is nothing quite as frustrating as a slow, buffering video, dropped connections during conference calls, or trudging download speeds. It can be helpful to enlist the help of experts with this, such as the IT support services from CloudCoCo, as they will be able to help you identify your connectivity requirements, and find the right package for you.

An extra screen

Many of us are used to working with at least one other large screen alongside our trusty laptops, and there is good reason for this. Having the additional visual space means you no longer need to switch constantly between different applications or windows, and can organise your working environment with greater ease. Think of it as the digital equivalent to a well-structured white board, where all your tasks, information and data is set up in an easy to understand layout.

A ring light

Ring lights used to be the tool of choice for beauty vloggers and YouTube stars, but they’ve increasingly become a popular item amongst ordinary online users too. They provide a clear, professional and even light source, making you look a lot better on video calls. Not only is this a flattering confidence booster, but it can also make you appear a lot more professional to others.

A comfortable working space

A good desk and office chair might not be the most cutting edge piece of technology, but they really can make a massive difference to your physical and mental comfort during your working day. Having a supported seating position will help reduce and alleviate aching shoulders and spines after a long day in front of the computer, and a dedicated desk, equipped with supports for wrists, a wireless keyboard and a blue light screen, can help minimise many of the stressors that come with being behind a screen for hours.

Noise-cancelling headphones

Background conversations, traffic sounds or those everyday hums and creaks that come with life can be a surprisingly stressful thing, especially when you have to endure them over several hours. These are a must when working from a shared home or workspace, as they will comfortably eliminate background noises, and make it much easier to focus on what you are doing. Many of them also have the option to play music as well.

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