Kali’s Elite set is now available. Includes the Masterframe Prototype I uniform, victory dance, headgear, gadget skin for her rifle, weapon skin for the CSRX 300, P226 MK 25 and C75 AUTO and the Elite Kali Chibi charm.
Rainbow Six Siege is an exciting, new approach to the first-person shooter experience that puts tactical combat and masterful destruction at the centre of the action.
Lead your team of unique, counter-terrorist Rainbow operators through tense and thrilling combat scenarios, and achieve victory through smart preparation and strategic improvisation.
Rainbow Six Siege is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC for more details on the game and the Kali Elite Set go to the Rainbow Six Siege pages on the Ubisoft website here.
@TechmashUK #TechmashUK #R6S #RainbowSixSiege #KaliElite #MasterframePrototypeIUniform #Kit #VictoryDance #Headgear #GadgetSkin #WeaponSkin #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiegeKaliEliteSet