Take a jump into Hyper Scape if you haven’t done so already. This is a free to play game that is set in the future where you will find some interesting and recognisable landmarks all set around a deathmatch.
While trying to avoid being tracked down and taken out of the game, you have some cool hacks at your disposal like the Firewall feature that will offer some protection from the enemy while allowing you to fire through it.
Take your team into the future where battle royales and deathmatches are just a normal thing that just happens to be taking place amongst a futuristic background. For more details on this game go to the Hyper Scape pages on the Ubisoft website here.
@TechmashUK #TechmashUK #HyperScape #UpdatedMap #NewHack #NeoArcadia #TeamDeathmatch #Hacks #Maps #BattleRoyale
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