Better interiors can mean improved productivity

As offices reopen and there are moves to return to work there has been a huge amount of money and time spent on updating and improving office set-ups and designs to meet the new requirements and keep workspaces safe, secure and exciting. The key to keep in mind throughout this process is that productivity is directly related to the environment that staff and employees are expected to work within. Technology is a key component, but the physical environment is proving to be just as important.

Employees spend most of their time indoors

The fact that employees are expected to spend most of their time indoors means that they need to be comfortable and happy with their internal physical spaces. It is also vital to note that the happier the employees are with their physical environment the more likely they are to meet targets and achieve their best potential.

There are a number of innovative ways to keep offices open and friendly spaces and to ensure productivity of employees. Some of the largest firms in the world have noted that the better the office space is, the better the productivity of those that work there. A prime example of this has been Google where colour and creativity within the office space has been shown to promote creativity in their products and services, and results in a happier healthier workforce. The end result being an improvement in collaborative working and thus also in productivity.

Create social spaces in the office

The top ways to do this have been the social spaces within the office and making services and amenities available in the office space. Games, entertainment and having access to healthy food, snacks and drinks are the top requests from employees and have been seen to enhance productivity.

There are, however, a number of proven means to enhance the office space, which start with using printable surfaces to lighten and brighten the office interior. Soyang has a great example of what is available and these printed surfaces can be used both inside and outside to keep workplaces clean, light and bright. The printed surfaces that are now available will allow any office space to include any design or picture on their walls. The brighter the better and if it is a specific picture then staff need to be able to relate to it.

The additions to the workplace, in terms of activities and amenities are useful, but it is critical to start with the basics and this means a clean and open space. The printed surfaces mentioned above are a great way to start and provide the platform for a productive space.

Workspaces are changing and so too is the world of work itself. Staff and employees want to feel safe and comfortable in the workplace and if this will allow them to work at their best then it is essential to make it happen. A great idea is to allow staff to choose their own surroundings and this will allow individuality and creativity.

Using new technology for walls, surfaces and floors, will allow you to both keep the office trendy and also make huge improvements to cleanliness and the ability to keep everything sanitised. As people return to shared workspaces it will be vital for productivity to make these spaces as welcoming and friendly as possible.

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