Your Guide to the Best Gifts for Tech Nerds

There are always people on everyone’s gift list who are notoriously difficult to shop for. However, if you have a techie on your list, you’re in luck. People who love tech are always ready to learn something new and enjoy receiving different toys and gadgets.

Here are some cool gifts for the tech nerds in your life.

Wellness Wearables

Wellness wearables are a beautiful intersection of wellness and technology. For many tech lovers, the ability to capture data while biohacking is the motivation needed to pursue a healthier lifestyle. Wellness wearables range from simple fitness tracking devices like pedometers to those that send signals to the body, like the wearable devices by Hapbee.

Gifting the techie on your list a new, innovative piece of wellness technology is a great way to make an impact on their life. These are the gifts that keep on giving. The gift can remind the person of you every time they look at their wearable or start analysing their health data.

Skills Development Courses

A love of technology often goes hand-in-hand with a love of learning. If the tech nerd on your list is interested in a career in technology or likes coding and development as a hobby, consider giving them the chance to develop those skills.

There are plenty of online courses or education platforms that offer gift cards or subscription services. Keep an eye out around the holidays for special deals that can give the recipient access to an even broader knowledge base or more robust plan.

Tech Subscription Box

Subscription boxes have quickly become a fan-favourite gift in modern times. While many people are aware of the subscription boxes for clothing, fitness gear, and coffee, there are also STEM-related (science, technology, engineering, math) subscription boxes as well. 

You can find subscription boxes that have projects for the recipient to build and create, or boxes that deliver new fully-functional gadgets each month. There are also versions of subscription boxes for both adults and tech-loving children.

A Custom Charging Station

Technology has evolved tremendously over the past couple of decades. We’ve shifted from having to be constantly plugged into an outlet for power, but that poses a new issue: managing battery life. 

Tech lovers are always faced with the need for an extra boost to power the devices they love the most. Give the convenience of quick charging with a custom station that has various ports and outlets to charge their favourite gadgets in an organised fashion. This station will ensure they never lose their USB cords again.

For an extra boost, throw in a portable lightning charger or solar charger for power on the go.

Augmented Reality Glasses

Before Pokemon Go reached worldwide fame in 2016, augmented reality sounded like something out of a sci-fi movie. Now, it’s becoming a normal part of everyday life. Augmented reality glasses are still relatively new and not without glitches. Still, they’re perhaps the coolest gift you can give to the tech lover in your life. 

The tech nerd in your life is sure to love these amazing gift ideas. They offer uniquely personal options for friends who love gadgets, new tech, and staying at the bleeding edge of new tech. Keep these in mind for your next gift-giving holiday or birthday. 

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