Futurama Crashes Into Fortnite

Here is something that has been a long time coming, visitors from New New York have crashed onto the Fortnite Island and with their futuristic weapons and attitude will be ripping the place apart in a way that only the guys from Futurama can do. Yes, Bender, Fry and Leela have crashed into Fortnite and that can mean only one thing, mayhem!

This is the latest update on Fortnite, it brings in some cool outfits and weapons for you to use, who would imagine that blending an animated TV series with a popular online game would have taken so long to happen, but never the less it is here now and it has to be said, who will be the last player standing now?

Find out more about the Futurama update for Fortnite here; fn.gg/futurama

#Futurama #Fortnite #Bender #Fry #Leela #PlanetExpress #Hypnotoad #Nibbler #Zoidberg #BattleRoyale

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