How to Discover Pilates From Home

  1. Make use of online video tutorials

Since the pandemic, there has been a boom in the rise of in home workouts which are showcased through Youtube tutorials or the use of apps. As a result, you can workout from any location, be it from a hotel room, gym, or within the comfort of your own home. There are several fitness channels online that guide you on a variety of exercises including barre, weighted workouts, yoga and Pilates. If you are a beginner and would like try pilates, then the internet might be a good place to start.

  1. Find a suitable space to practice

Pilates is a style of exercises which entails movements designed to increase your flexibility, mobility and improve your posture. You might therefore need to find a quiet, open space which will allow you to move freely and hone your Pilates skills. In case you do not have that much extra room in your home, you can then set a time in which you can move around furniture to create some more space. It might be a good option to do this when the kids are at school, for instance, or when your roommate has stepped out for a while. 

  1. Do some research

While there are several work from home tutorials which are easy to follow along, it may be best to start off by doing some research first. This will enable you to understand the basic principles of Pilates, which will protect you from accidentally hurting yourself in the process. Understand the benefits of Pilates, and research on some of the best reputable online instructors or highly recommended Pilates classes in your area.

  1. Invest in basic equipment

One of the advantages of Pilates is that you can do it with or without equipment. For a beginner especially, it may not be the best financial decision to invest heavily in the specialized Pilates equipment which may require training. You can start things off with getting some basic equipment and then advance as you get stronger and more experienced. To enable you to have a pleasant Pilates experience, then you can get a good, non slip sturdy mat. This will keep you steady and protect your knees as you do your exercises. Additionally, you can purchase resistance bands in case you would want to increase the intensity of your stretches. These will help you to build up strength as well as muscle, which is essential if your objective is to get lean or lose some pounds.

  1. Be patient and remain consistent

To experience the full benefits of Pilates, it is important for you to set a routine and stick to it. The practice focuses more on quality as opposed to quantity and you thus need to take your time with it and remain committed. Find a schedule that works for you, during a time when you can give your full attention. This will enable you to focus keenly on your breathing and alignment, therefore putting you in the best posture.

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