You may have seen our previous watchable list of ten of the most satisfying longshots in Sniper Elite 4. Well, we’ve got more for you.
From boat-based murder to taking out snipers with the smug satisfaction that only S ranks can deliver, here are 5 more Sniper Elite longshots you have to try.
Check out the features here;
00:00 Intro
1:14 Bitanti Village
2:03 Magazzeno Facility
3:47 Regilino Viaduct
4:39 Giovi Fiorini Mansion
5:41 Ricochet Shots
For more details head on over the Sniper Elite page at Rebellion.
#TechmashDave #TechMASHUK #MashedDotCom #SniperElite #LongShot #Sniper #WWII #Rebellion #SniperEliteLongShot #SniperElite4 #Warfare #TakeAim #Range #Rifle #Weapons #Enemy #Scope #Target