Best Ways to Boost Your Wins in CoD Warzone

Securing a win in Call of Duty has never been an easy task. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s an impossible feat. Warzone is just a single bit in the various games available in the popular COD. And securing wins will require you to get all the assistance you can get.
This article will provide some of the best tips that will help you not just secure a single win. If you apply these tips consistently, then you can be sure of improving your CoD gaming skills. Also, visit for some hacks to give you that extra push.

Best ways to boost your wins in CoD Warzone

1. Secure a better set of Guns

Warzone has a great collection of guns, numbering as high as 150 guns. This includes assault rifles, SMGs, shotguns, etc. The default weapons the game provides you with are a great pick but won’t serve you better than your preferred weapons.

So, once you have gathered up to $10 000, locate a buy station close by and get a weapon loadout. It is a good way to help you get better at your playstyle. Even after buying a loadout drop, keep looting for items- nobody penalizes you for that.

2. Make effective use of the buy stations.

Apart from weapons, there are several things that you can get from buy stations that can help you get that all-important win. An armour satchel contains 8 plates instead of 5 at max and is recommended.

More so, purchase a gas mask and a Self-revive alongside sufficient ammo. A killstreak like the UAV can go for 500 points. So if you haven’t already found one in loots, do well to purchase them.

3. Contracts are worth your time.

COD is more of a game that needs you to make as many kills as you can get. In this non-objective-based game, you can occupy yourself with gathering loots or completing contracts. We recommend that you spend your time on the map completing contracts.

Contracts are one of the quickest ways of getting anything you want on the map. At the completion of contracts, you get rewards ranging from XP, Loot, and Cash. Apart from the reward you get, they give you the excitement that comes with having a goal before you.

4. Combine your efforts with teammates

You may be a typical solo player due to the previous games you found yourself playing. But if you want a better chance at getting that win, you’ll need to have teammates to get a bigger combined force.

For example, using combined UAVs with all team members gives you much better information than what your solo UAV gives you. Your teammates can also drop plates for you when you need them.

5. Be critical with your actions.

Certain activities in-game can get you killed if done without proper precautions. For example, it’s the best action to take by reviving a fallen teammate. However, if an enemy is close by, you should never attempt to do that, except you have another teammate to provide you with cover fire.

Also, note that reviving a teammate makes some noise that may alert enemies of your position. So, you should be aware of the environment, so you don’t join your fallen teammate in death.

6. Open fire only when you’re sure of a hit.

It’s natural to want to shoot at an enemy the moment they come into your line of sight. However, you must be sure of the bullet hitting the target before you pull the trigger. If you miss the shot, the lucky soldier gets alerted and runs for cover, depriving you of that extra kill.

Preferably, wait for the enemy to get too far from cover. You can then take a comfortable position and aim for the head. Even if you don’t successfully get the kill immediately, the headshot gives him enough damage that makes it easier to finish him off.


Call of Duty Warzone gives players so much submersion- no wonder it’s one of the most popular Battle royales. We recommend that you pay attention to the weapons you choose and take some time to study the map. Good knowledge of the map gives you better manoeuvre options. Lastly, complete contracts and gather all the cash you can find to purchase important items at buy stations.

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