Marauders Excavation Update Out Now!

In gaming there is nothing better than an update to your favourite title, it brings in new stuff and usually makes the game better as the developers iron out any bugs or issues that may surface during the hours of gameplay. So here is a new update for the Marauders Excavation games and it is out now.

With this update, players will get to face up to a new boss, The Warden! He is in charge of a penal colony he can only be found in a locked room that is protected by his highly trained and heavily armed personal guards, sounds like a challenge to us! It is time to suit up, arm up and rise up against the authorities.

Find out more on the Marauders Excavation game update here;

#MaraudersExcavation #MaraudersExcavationUpdate #NewBoss #PenalColony #Gaming #GameUpdate #Marauders

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