This is the story of Ahsoka, once the Padawan of Anakin Skywalker and set in a time just after the events that have taken place in The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. Ahsoka is searching for the person whose job it was to stop the rebels, Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Yet it seems that while her search for Thrawn is her priority there is another figure to watch out for, Baylan Skoll who wields the telltale red light sabre claims that his group are not Jedi, so who are they and what are their intentions?
Find out more on Ahsoka, a Star Wars story on Disney+ here;
#Ahsoka #StarWars #Jedi #Empire #Padawan #AnakinSkywalker #TheMandalorian #TheBookofBobaFett
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