Author: Team Techmash!

  • The Hundred Line Last Defense Academy free demo on Nintendo Switch

    The Hundred Line Last Defense Academy free demo on Nintendo Switch

    For anyone who is not too clear about The Hundred Line Last Defense Academy game, there is good news, as there is a new and free game demo on Nintendo Switch so players will be able to see what the game has to offer before committing to buying the game, which is always a good thing. Going to school will never be the same again. The Hundred Line Last Defense Academy will be launching on Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam on the 24th of April.

    To find out more about The Hundred Line Last Defense Academy, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Marvelous here

    #TheHundredLineLastDefenseAcademy #games #gaming #newgames #scifi #gameplay #freedemo #NintendoSwitch #KazutakaKodaka #KotaroUchikoshi #Aniplex #TooKyoGames #MediaVision #LastDefenseAcademy

  • Autonomica coming to Kickstarter on the 15th of April

    Autonomica coming to Kickstarter on the 15th of April

    Step into the open world survival game Autonomica, where players can explore, farm, build and a bit of automation thrown in for good measure. The game will be heading to the crowdfunding site Kickstarter in April, where fans of the game can make a pledge to back the game and in the process, end up with a lovely perk for their trouble. This game has a lot to offer and once it is funded, the game will launch and then it will be time to see what the Autonomica game has to offer.

    To find out more about the Autonomica game, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Kickstarter here from the 15th of April.

    #Autonomica #games #gaming #scifi #newgames #gameplay #demogame #Crytivo #Kickstarter #crowdfunding #mysteries #ghosts #challenges #timetravel #adventures #openworld #survival #horror #PvE #PvP

  • VELOCIBLASTER: A Meta-Backed Multiplayer VR Shooter

    VELOCIBLASTER: A Meta-Backed Multiplayer VR Shooter

    In the Velociblaster game, the dinosaurs were never wiped out by an asteroid, so that means they have had over sixty million years of evolution and are an advanced civilisation that has even managed to travel to the stars. This might seem to be far-fetched, but this is the Velociblaster game and it is available in VR for Meta Quest. Players will battle it out as the velociraptors fight using technology that even today is just a dream. Velociblaster will be going on open alpha soon, with early access launch planned for later on this year and is available to wishlist now on the Meta Quest Store and Steam.

    To find out more about the Velociblaster game, go to the official game website here

    #Velociblaster #Meta #Multiplayer #VR #Shooter #vrgames #games #gaming #virtualreality #VRHeadset #MetaQuest #PCVR #Steam #newgames #velociraptors #GDC #openalpha #SpaceAgeInteractive #dinosaurs

  • StarVaders will be launching at the end of April

    StarVaders will be launching at the end of April

    With thousands of wishlists on Steam, the wait for the StarVaders game is almost upon us. In this game, players will need to pilot a mech and save the world from an alien invasion. This game has a bit of retro arcade feel to it as players use the tactical grid to take on the aliens, which, of course, does not always work out well for the mechs, you cannot win every game you know! The StarVaders alien invasion begins on the 30th of April 30.

    To find out more about the StarVaders game, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #StarVaders #Pengonauts #JoystickVentures #Roguelike #games #gaming #newgames #scifi #Deckbuilding #steam #tactical #gridbased #combat #mechs #ufo #aliens #invasion

  • Hitman World of Assassination is available on PS VR2 now!

    Hitman World of Assassination is available on PS VR2 now!

    Normally, in a hitman game, players are not really getting up close and personal, but in virtual reality, everything is up close and personal. Now, Hitman World of Assassination is available for the PlayStation VR2, which is literally a game-changer for players looking to take on the role of the assassin with the ability to use two weapons at the same time. There is no stopping the assassin now as Hitman World of Assassination comes to life in VR,

    To find out more about the Hitman World of Assassination game, go to the official game website here

    #Hitman #Assassination #HitmanWorldofAssassination #games #gaming #agent47 #PSVR2 #PlayStation #VRGames #VirtualReality #VRHeadset #IOInteractive #PlayStationVR2 #newgames #HitmanVR

  • Galacticare The Voice Beyond DLC coming in April

    Galacticare The Voice Beyond DLC coming in April

    The war has started in the Galacticare The Voice Beyond game, where players will need to build and run a hospital. There is a lot of planning ahead with recruitment, finances and research into all of the alien illnesses and diseases. It might seem like saving lives is a calling, but in this game, saving lives is essential to the future of the galaxy. In this latest DLC, players will be getting three new levels, new threats and at the heart of it, there is a galaxy-shaking conspiracy to contend with. The Galacticare: The Voice Beyond DLC will be available from the 2nd of April on Steam for PC, Xbox and PlayStation.

    To find out more about the Galacticare The Voice Beyond game, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #GalacticareTheVoiceBeyond #Galacticare #TheVoiceBeyond #games #gaming #gameupdate #steam #pc #playstation #xbox #DLC #BrightrockGames #CULTGames #scifi #hospital

  • Career Mode for Monster Energy Supercross 25

    Career Mode for Monster Energy Supercross 25

    You may not believe it, but the Monster Energy Supercross 25 game is about to get better with the all-new career mode and enriched gameplay, so now players will be able to supercharge their way to the top in a game that includes arena and stadium-based events. The Monster Energy Supercross 25 game will be launching on PlayStation, Xbox and PC on the 10th of April, with Early Access on Steam being available from the 7th of April.

    To find out more about the Monster Energy Supercross 25, go to the official game website here or go to the game page on Steam here

    #MonsterEnergySupercross25 #bikes #sports #supercross #bikeracing #Milestone #FeldMotorSports #games #gaming #supercross25 #PlayStation #Xbox #PC #EarlyAccess #Steam #newgames

  • RAIDOU Remastered: The Mystery of the Soulless Army launching in June

    RAIDOU Remastered: The Mystery of the Soulless Army launching in June

    The RAIDOU Remastered: The Mystery of the Soulless Army game will be launching in June on all consoles. This is a game where the Narumi Detective Agency is approached by an heiress who has a strange request, that is to kill her; however, shortly afterwards, she has been kidnapped. Players must find the heiress before it is too late. RAIDOU Remastered: The Mystery of the Soulless Army will be coming on the 19th of June to consoles and can be pre-ordered now on PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Steam and Xbox.

    To find out more about the RAIDOU Remastered: The Mystery of the Soulless Army game, go to the official game website here

    #RAIDOURemasteredTheMysteryoftheSoullessArmy #RAIDOU #MysteryoftheSoullessArmy #Mystery #SoullessArmy #games #gaming #PlayStation #NintendoSwitch #Steam #Xbox #ATLUS #conspiracy #DLC

  • Sociable Soccer 25 coming to consoles soon

    Sociable Soccer 25 coming to consoles soon

    This is no ordinary football-based game, this is a real football-based game, fantasy football with a social angle. Welcome to Sociable Soccer 25 from Tower Games. This is one of those games that blends in certain aspects of the game with social media, football game skills and predicting the scores all rolled into one serious sporting game. Get ready to manage your team and take on the rest of the world, it’s time to kick off. Sociable Soccer 25 will be kicking off on Xbox, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation consoles from the 3rd of April.

    To find out more about the Sociable Soccer 25 game, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #SociableSoccer25 #sports #football #soccer #games #gaming #Xbox #NintendoSwitch #PlayStation #arcade #retrogames #TowerStudios #pcgames #amuzogames #steam #fantasyfootball

  • Fakutori game demo now on Steam

    Fakutori game demo now on Steam

    Here is a nice game that will frustrate players as they try to build with these blocks, knowing full well that there is trouble waiting around the corner as these blocks are far too easy to destroy. This is the Fakutori factory builder game, where players must use all of the resources available to automate the factory in order to increase production and therefore increase profits, or so you might think. The Fakutori game demo is available right now on Steam.

    To find out more about the Fakutori game, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Fakutori #AntoineLatour #games #gaming #newgames #factorybuilder #gamedemo #gameplay #2Dgames #retrogames #steam #classicgames #blocks #automation

  • Venusville game demo on Steam now

    Venusville game demo on Steam now

    For anyone who would like to travel into outer space and maybe even be part of a colonisation, there is the Venusville game, where players travel to Venus, where colonisation has been underway, this is where the job becomes difficult and dangerous as this is a planet that is not very easy to live on without certain defences against the hostile environment. Players can try the Venusville game demo right now on Steam before the game launches.

    To find out more about the Venusville game, go to the official game website here to go to the games page on Steam here

    #Venusville #CityBuilder #ColonySim #newgames #gaming #games #scifi #8continents #steam #gamedemo #gameplay #venus #CityBuilderColonySimFestival #colony #settlers #planets #spacetravel #spaceexploration

  • New defender class robot coming to War Robots: Frontiers

    New defender class robot coming to War Robots: Frontiers

    There is a new robot coming to the War Robots: Frontiers game that has already been a great success. Now players will be able to pilot the Ravana, which is a defender-class war robot that will be great at protecting the team and attacking the enemy. This is a great addition to the game that has already seen players enjoying the gameplay. The Ravana Defender-class War Robot is available on the free-to-play game.

    To find out more about the War Robots: Frontiers game, go to the official game website here

    #WarRobotsFrontiers #WarRobots #Frontiers #robots #scifi #games #gaming #newgames #MyGames #pilots #Ravana #DefenderclassWarRobot #GuardianMatrix #CoreGear #PlayStation #Xbox #PC #Steam

  • New trailer for Fallen Tear: The Ascension

    New trailer for Fallen Tear: The Ascension

    The much-anticipated Fallen Tear: The Ascension JRPG-inspired metroidvania game has got a new trailer, check it out below to see what we can expect from this game when it launches in early 2026. Uncover secrets, team up with spirits and find allies that will assist on the quest ahead. The game will be available for PC via Steam, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch.

    To find out more about the Fallen Tear: The Ascension game, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #FallenTearTheAscension #FallenTear #TheAscension #games #gaming #newgames #JRPG #handanimated #sidescrolling #Metroidvania #WinterCrew #CMDStudios #HolysoftStudios #PlayStation #Xbox #NintendoSwitch

  • Captain Wayne: Vacation Desperation a fast-action retro shooter

    Captain Wayne: Vacation Desperation a fast-action retro shooter

    Head on out onto the high seas in the Captain Wayne: Vacation Desperation game, where there are riches and dangers awaiting players who think that being a pirate is the route to an easy life. Players might think that this is one of those easy games, but it’s not. This game has attitude and players will do well to remember that. So raise the anchor, load the weapons and let’s go hunting. The Captain Wayne – Vacation Desperation game demo is available now, while the game will launch in full later on this year.

    To find out more about the Captain Wayne: Vacation Desperation game, go to the official website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #CaptainWayneVacationDesperation #newgames #retrogames #shooter #demogame #CaptainWayne #VacationDesperation #games #gaming #SilverLiningInteractive #CiaranGames #pcgames #steam

  • Final Sentence The Battle Royale Typing Game

    Final Sentence The Battle Royale Typing Game

    Imagine this: one hundred players all poised over their keyboards, each with a gun at their heads and now the Final Sentence game begins. Don’t be slow and don’t make any mistakes either, otherwise it could be the final sentence that you write. So this is pressure like no other, one typo and it’s game over! The Final Sentence game is currently available to wishlist on Steam and it will be launching this summer.

    To find out more about the Final Sentence game, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #FinalSentence #battleroyale #typinggame #games #gaming #newgames #steam #Polden #ButtonMash #keystroke #gameover #keyboard #typing #spelling #strategy #multiplayer

  • New Campaign Coming To The Warfare Legacy Collection

    New Campaign Coming To The Warfare Legacy Collection

    Imagine being able to travel back in time to some of the most historic battles of World War one and two, well, you can sort of in the Warfare Legacy Collection. This game has a retro PC game look to it, players will need to deploy their troops, position their armour and get ready for the onslaught to begin. The Warfare Legacy Collection will be launching on Monday, the 28th of April, for PC the game is also set to participate in the Steam Wargames Fest on the same day.

    To find out more about the Warfare Legacy Collection game, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #WarfareLegacyCollection #games #gaming #fullyremastered #cultclassic #historicalgames #strategygames #newgames #war #ConArtistGames #ArmorGamesStudios #warfare #battleofthebulge

  • Gate Project Sci-fi Game Demo Available Now

    Gate Project Sci-fi Game Demo Available Now

    Imagine being able to dial up almost any planet in the galaxy and by stepping through the gate, you are able to almost step onto that planet instantly, you think that you have heard of those before, but this is the Gate Project game where players travel to distant worlds not knowing if they are safe, friendly or just deadly. Visit new worlds and see if they have life, resources or are just dead this is a best way to travel in space. The Gate Project has a demo on Steam right now and the full game is set for release very soon.

    To find out more about the Gate Project game, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #GateProject #scifi #games #gaming #gamedemo #Tactical #Action #Adventure #RTS #ExploretheGalaxy #gatetravel #spacetravel #surveyalienplanets #PiotrGburzynski #TestOneDev

  • Sintopia trailer and game demo revealed

    Sintopia trailer and game demo revealed

    Most people would not even think about a life in hell, but as it happens, we may not have much choice in the matter and so it would seem that the best way to handle this situation is to make the most of it. In Sintopia, this is exactly what players are faced with managing Hell. Of course, the paperwork is too much and the working conditions are not all that either, but there are opportunities to improve things, isn’t there? The game demo and trailer for Sintopia are out now and the game will be launching soon.

    To find out more about the Sintopia game, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Sintopia #Team17 #PiraknightsGames #games #gaming #newgames #gameplay #overworld #hell #gamedemo #sins #deadsouls #management #civilization #empire #citybuilder

  • New Demo Available For Islanders: New Shores

    New Demo Available For Islanders: New Shores

    Here is a chance to find out what the Islanders: New Shores game is going to be all about, as the developers have released a new demo from the game on Steam as part of the City Builder & Colony Sim Fest. In the Islanders: New Shores game, players start off with a blank island and start to build their community; however, there are always challenges to meet, be it natural or some other reason, so careful planning is needed here. The Islanders: New Shores game will be launching on PC and consoles this summer.

    To find out more about the Islanders: New Shores game, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Islanders #NewShores #IslandersNewShores #gamedemo #games #gaming #newgames #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #NintendoSwitch #CoatsinkSoftware #strategy #citybuilder #colonysim

  • Crossout The New Frontier update out now

    Crossout The New Frontier update out now

    In a post-apocalyptic world, you are going to need some serious vehicles in order to survive the Crossout. Now there is a new update called the New Frontier to handle too. In this update, players will be getting some new gear, such as weapons, wheels, cabins and new frames too, in fact, everything a player will need to survive life in the wastelands. The Crossout The New Frontier game update is out now.

    To find out more about the Crossout game, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Crossout #GaijinEntertainment #PostApocalyptic #onlinecarcombat #cars #vehicles #TheNewFrontier #gameupdate #Foundersvehicleparts #PvPmap #animatedprofile #UraniumBattles #PvPmode

  • Stellaris: Season Nine Expansion Pass Out Now

    Stellaris: Season Nine Expansion Pass Out Now

    It is always good news when a new expansion pack is released for the Stellaris game and now somehow we are entering season nine of the game that bends space and reality. In the new season, players will be treated to some new and exciting stories such as Biogenesis, Shadows of the Shroud, Infernals Species Pack and the exclusive Stargazer Species Portrait. The Stellaris season nine expansion pass is available now with updates coming out throughout the year.

    To find out more about the Stellaris game, go to the official game website here or go to the game page on Steam here

    #Stellaris #scifi #games #gaming #newgames #pcgames #steam #StellarisSeasonNine #StellarisExpansionPass #BioGenesis #gameupdate #gameplay #outerspace #space

  • Airlock Arena Profit or Perish interstellar co-op smuggling action out now!

    Airlock Arena Profit or Perish interstellar co-op smuggling action out now!

    It’s not every day that you get to become a space slug, but in the Airlock Arena Profit or Perish game, this is exactly what is in store. One thing is for sure, there are lots of resources, contracts and opportunities just waiting to be liberated, even by space slugs. Being a smuggler is not an easy life, so there is planning, tactics and strategies to put in place in order to make a decent profit. The Airlock Arena: Profit or Perish game is out now on Steam.

    To find out more about the Airlock Arena: Profit or Perish, go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #AirlockArena #games #gaming #scifi #newgames #coop #smuggler #cargo #interstellar #spacetravel #spacecraft #roguelike #FrostbaneStudios #interstellarcargosmuggler #SpaceSlug #AirlockArenaProfitorPerish

  • Dissent on Mars will be launching on Steam soon

    Dissent on Mars will be launching on Steam soon

    Living on Mars used to be a thing of science fiction, but now there is a new life to be found on the red planet in Dissent on Mars. In this game players will choose their society and build it up from nothing, however, the player’s decisions, tactics and strategies can have an effect on how life on Mars is for the ordinary working people. Creating a new society that is nothing like that on Earth sounds like heaven, make the wrong moves and it can quickly turn into hell! The Dissent on Mars game will be launching on Steam for PC on the 7th of April.

    To find out more about the Dissent on Mars game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #DissentonMars #mars #aliens #robots #scifi #newgames #games #gaming #gameplay #gamedemo #MichaelArts #MichaelHicks #steam #earth #societies #communities

  • Herogue is now available on Steam

    Herogue is now available on Steam

    Here is an interesting game that will challenge the players to use all of their thinking, strategic and gaming skills. It is called Herogue by the indie developer BaDoFat Studio. Players will need to build a custom team and use strategy to get through it by battling tough enemies and eventually on the way to victory. The Herogue game is available on Steam now, there is also a downloadable game demo available on Steam too.

    To find out more about the Herogue game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Herogue #Steam #games #gaming #newgames #strategy #indiegames #BaDoFatStudio #turnbased #roguelike #battler #retrogames #developers #gamedemo #gameplay #gamers

  • The Mars Attracts game demo is here

    The Mars Attracts game demo is here

    The aliens are here and once again they are causing havoc for the earthlings in Mars Attracts the theme park management game with an alien twist. Those Martians are setting up a theme park where the humans that have been abducted will now be the star attractions for the visitors to the park. Players are in charge of the park, they must make money and in order to do so they will need to come up with new attractions so the humans must be pushed to their limits and beyond, The Mars Attracts playable demo is available now and the game will be released in Early Access on Steam in 2025.

    To find out more about the Mars Attracts game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #MarsAttracts #Mars #games #gaming #gamedemo #steam #playabledemo #earlyaccess #themeparkmanagement #Outlier #scifi #martians #aliens #ufo #invasion #newgames

  • Robobeat free update available now

    Robobeat free update available now

    If there is one thing that is cool in gaming it has to be something that is free and in the Robobeat game there is a free update coming that will be adding the cheats menu, which sounds pretty brilliant but it would appear that some players may have already been able to access this. There is also the virus room where players are able to choose a serious weapon that can take out the enemy, however, there is a price to pay as now your enemies are able to kill you with a single shot! The Robobeat free update is available right now.

    To find out more about the Robobeat game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Robobeat #Kwalee #Inzanity #bountyhunter #music #games #gaming #freeupdate #roguelite #rhythmshooter #virusroom #cheatsmenu #update #strategy #indiegames

  • Revenge of the Savage Planet coming to PC and consoles in May

    Revenge of the Savage Planet coming to PC and consoles in May

    Can you handle the Revenge of the Savage Planet? This is a game that will push everything to the limit, but players will be able to strut around in beautiful gold lame space suit, which is enough to put anyone off their guard, players can also take on the role of a human crash test dummy how do you think that is going to work out for you? This is one challenge to beat all challenges, try it out on early access on Steam on the 5th of May, while the game launches on PC and consoles on the 8th of May.

    To find out more about the Revenge of the Savage Planet game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #RevengeoftheSavagePlanet #Xbox #XboxGames #PCGamer #FGS #FutureGamesShowcase #CosmicHoarder #JourneytotheSavagePlanet #RaccoonLogic #Playstation #Playstationgames #PlaystationPlus #PS5 #PS4 #PS5Games #Steam #EPIC #unreal

  • Trident’s Tale free demo now live on Steam

    Trident’s Tale free demo now live on Steam

    Being a pirate is not an easy life but for those who choose this way of life, there are many rewards to had. In the Trident’s Tale game players will be experiencing all of the ups and downs of a career in piracy, from chasing down ships carrying loot, avoiding other pirates and fighting some of the most fierce sea monsters around. The good news is that there is a free game demo on Steam for players who want to see what the game is like before committing to buy when the game launches on PC and consoles in May.

    To find out more about the Trident’s Tale game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #TridentsTale #Steam #games #gaming #demogame #3DClouds #PirateAdventure #NintendoSwitch #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #pirates #epicgamesstore.#gameplay

  • Kaiserpunk is out now on Steam

    Kaiserpunk is out now on Steam

    Building a civilisation from scratch is not easy and keeping it going is just as hard as players of Kaiserpunk will soon find out. In this game players will need to plan everything out from buildings and business to politics and warfare. Making deals is at the centre of this game, but sometimes deals go wrong and then a solution needs to be found, will diplomacy win or is it all out war. Kaiserpunk is available now for PC on Steam.

    To find out more about the Kaiserpunk game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Kaiserpunk #games #gaming #citybuilder #war #business #politics #trade #industrial #newgames #military #steam #PC #OverseerGames #EldaEntertainment #StrategyGaming

  • Artis Impact Handcrafted Pixel Art RPG

    Artis Impact Handcrafted Pixel Art RPG

    Here is a lovely art-driven game that will push gamer’s skills and tactics to the limit. This is Artis Impact a hand-drawn role-playing game with a retro arcade feel to it. Players will find themselves in a world that has been through the apocalypse and the survivors will be facing combat and decisions as solo players, there is no help here, players will need to make their decisions and take a chance. The Artis Impact game has a fully playable demo on Steam right now.

    To find out more about the Artis Impact game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #ArtisImpact #Handcrafted #PixelArt #DeepNarratives #RPG #FGS #games #gaming #newgames #Mas #steam #art #artist #handdrawn #apocalypse #endoftheworld #scifi #comic