Tag: #Apocalypse

  • Fallout 76 Season 20 Glow of the Ghoul

    Fallout 76 Season 20 Glow of the Ghoul

    The Fallout game just keeps delivering great storylines and in this case, for season 20 they are bringing out the Glow of the Ghoul. It is no surprise that after the recent Fallout TV series, it seems like the Ghoul has found a new following. So for Fallout 76 players will be getting the chance to become the Ghoul with Ghoul friends and a whole Ghoul community to get on with and why not? Fallout 76 Season 20 Glow of the Ghoul will be available from the 18th of March.

    To find out more about the Fallout 76 game go to the official game website here https://fallout.com

    #Fallout76 #Fallout #Ghoul #Survivors #Bethesda #Vaultec #Apocalypse #NuclearWar #FalloutShelters #RPG #Bunkers #SciFi #Games #Gaming #NewGame #GlowoftheGhoul

  • Only Out A Cooperative Survival Game

    Only Out A Cooperative Survival Game

    The world has gone through a dangerous virus outbreak that turns normal people into zombies, this is Only Out and players will need to be quick in order to survive in this dangerous world. Players will need to gather resources such as food, water, weapons and anything else that will help them survive, now all they must do is find their way out of the danger zone and into a more safer and open environment. Only the toughest will survive here in Only Out!

    To find out more about the Only Out game go to the official game website here https://yahaha.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/YkWns

    #OnlyOut #Survival #CooPGames #YahahaStudios #Steam #PCGames #Apocalypse #Zombies #IndieGames #Games #Gaming #SciFi #Puzzles #Teamwork

  • Plan the perfect Extinction Day

    Plan the perfect Extinction Day

    There are many ways that the world as we know it could come to an end, but we really don’t know, however in the Extinction Day how the world could come to an end through this doomsday scenario game the cause could be disease, war, asteroid or just else. Players of this game are in control of the destiny of the earth, create the perfect apocalypse and see how the earth dies. The Extinction Day game will be available in the early part of next year on PC, Xbox and PlayStation.

    To find out more about the Extinction Day doomsday scenario game go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/S7Efy

    #ExtinctionDay #SaveThePlanet #Earth #Steam #Doomsday #DryGinStudios #Simulator #Apocalypse #Games #Gaming #PC #Xbox #PlayStation

  • Kentum Coming To PC And Consoles Next Year

    Kentum Coming To PC And Consoles Next Year

    Imagine waking up after being in some sort of suspended animation seven thousand years later! This is what players can expect from the new game Kentum. The world that players wake up to is post-apocalyptic and in order to survive players will need to find resources and avoid any dangers that are waiting for them. The Kentum game will be launching next year on PC, Xbox and PlayStation.

    To find out more about the Kentum game go to the official game website here https://tlon.vg/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/nbrgB

    #Kentum #SciFi #NewGames #TlonIndustries #PC #Xbox #PlayStation #Games #Gaming #2DGames #BaseBuilding #Survival #Apocalypse

  • World War Z Aftermath Official Sin City Apocalypse Reveal Trailer

    World War Z Aftermath Official Sin City Apocalypse Reveal Trailer

    The zombie apocalypse has reached Las Vegas and the city is now in the hands of the undead. In this new game, there are three new maps, new survivors and some really cool weapons that will really make the mission go off with a bang. The World War Z Sin City Apocalypse game is out now, do you fancy your chances here?

    To find out more about the World War Z Sin City Apocalypse game go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/PFnJX or the official game website here https://www.wwzgame.com/

    #WorldWarZSinCityApocalypse #Zombies #Apocalypse #WWZ #WorldWarZ #SinCityApocalypse #Steam #SaberInteractive #Games #Gaming

  • World War Z Sin City Apocalypse Out Now

    World War Z Sin City Apocalypse Out Now

    Welcome to Las Vegas the fun capital of the world or at least it used to be. In the World War Z game, the players have made it to Sin City and even though this is a city surrounded by harsh desert that hasn’t stopped the zombie apocalypse from reaching it and taking over. The World War Z Sin City Apocalypse game is out now, do you fancy your chances here?

    To find out more about the World War Z Sin City Apocalypse game go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/PFnJX or the official game website here https://www.wwzgame.com/

    #WorldWarZSinCityApocalypse #Zombies #Apocalypse #WWZ #WorldWarZ #SinCityApocalypse #Steam #SaberInteractive #Games #Gaming

  • Polyaris Surviving The End Of The World

    Polyaris Surviving The End Of The World

    The world as we knew it is over in the Polyaris game, for players this game will take them on a journey of hope, loneliness and survival in some of the hardest terrains. This is a skiing-based survival game and it is about to come into its second closed beta test, so players will be able to get a good look at what this game is going to offer when it is finally released.

    To find out more about the Polyaris game and the closed beta test go to the official game page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/2e4Nx

    #Polyaris #SurvivalGame #Games #Gaming #Apocalypse #Steam #ClosedBetaTest #SkiingGame #SinglePlayerGame #MagicPieTeam

  • Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Now on PC

    Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Now on PC

    For the first time Rockstar Games is putting the classic Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare together for PC players, this is a great opportunity for players who have not played this game before on PC to get both games in one bundle so that players will be able to freeroam around the wild west to their hearts content and when they have had enough of that they can head on over to the wild west that is suffering from a zombie apocalypse, how brilliant is that? The Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare bundle is out now on PC.

    To find out more about the Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare games check out the official game website here https://www.rockstargames.com/reddeadredemption or head on over to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2668510/Red_Dead_Redemption/

    #RedDeadRedemption #UndeadNightmare #PCGames #RockstarGames #Outlaws #Zombies #Apocalypse #WildWest #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Dark Atlas Infernum Demo On Steam

    Dark Atlas Infernum Demo On Steam

    It is the end of the world as we know it and this is the Dark Atlas: Infernum game where you are on a mission to put a halt to the looming apocalypse, this is a chilling psychological horror featuring dark basements, struggling with your demons, watching society collapsing around you and of course, battling against the horrors of the apocalypse. The Dark Atlas: Infernum demo is available now on Steam, while the full game is set for launch next year.

    To find out more about the Dark Atlas: Infernum game head on over to the official game website here https://nightcouncilstudio.com/ or go to the games page on Steam for the demo here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2089630/Dark_Atlas_Infernum/

    #DarkAtlas #NightCouncilStudio #SelectaPlay #PsychologicalHorror #SurvivalHorror #Apocalypse #EndoftheWorld #Steam #GameDemo #DarkAtlasInfernum

  • Dead Island 2 Ultimate Edition is Out Now!

    Dead Island 2 Ultimate Edition is Out Now!

    The zompocalypse is upon us the world is going to hell and the only way that you are going to survive this apocalypse is by fighting yourself out of it and to find somewhere safe to settle and watch the world burn. The gameplay is brilliant because of the relentless zombies that just keep coming at you, but there is a wide range of weapons and resources available to players, there are some darkly funny parts of this game too. The Dead Island 2 Ultimate Edition is out now!

    To find out more about the Dead Island 2 Ultimate Edition go to the official game website here https://deadisland.com/

    #DeadIsland #UltimateEdition #DeadIsland2UltimateEdition #Zombies #Apocalypse #EpicGames #Zompocalypse #Survival #NewGames #Games #Gaming

  • Please Standby Fallout Day Broadcast 2024

    Please Standby Fallout Day Broadcast 2024

    On October 23rd 2077 a nuclear war will start and end on the same day, those lucky enough to find shelter might survive and those more fortunate will disappear into the vaults that had been commissioned by the government the rest will become folklore and the basis for a story that would change the world forever. This is the Fallout Day Broadcast 2024 and somehow the world has survived and some humans too thanks to the Vault-tec corporation!

    To find out more about the Fallout Day Broadcast 2024 and the Fallout game head on over to the official game website here https://fallout.com

    #Fallout #FalloutDayBroadcast2024 FalloutDay #BethesdaSoftworks #VaultTec #Vaults #Survivors #PleaseStandBy #FalloutShelters #NuclearWar #Apocalypse #Games #Gaming

  • No More Room in Hell 2 Early Access

    No More Room in Hell 2 Early Access

    When there is not more in hell you know that the world is in trouble and in this case, the world as we know it has suffered an apocalypse of the zombie kind. With danger all around the players must stick together and come up with a plan to survive and ultimately defeat the zombies, although this is not an easy task to tackle. No More Room in Hell 2 is in early access for anyone looking to give it a go, are you ready for this?

    To find out more about the No More Room in Hell 2 game go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/292000/No_More_Room_in_Hell_2/ or go to the official games website here https://www.nmrih2.com/

    #NoMoreRoomInHell #TornBannerStudios #Zombies #Apocalypse #NMRIH #EpicGames #Steam #Gaming #CoopGames #Games #Horror #EndoftheWorld

  • Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Coming to PC

    Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Coming to PC

    The West is getting wild and scary with the launch of Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare on PC at the end of the month. These games are classics and will be great additions for the PC player to get their hands on. Both these games have the rich history of the Wild West coupled with a great storyline and who cannot forget the zombie apocalypse too, just in time for Halloween as well?

    To find out more about the Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare games check them out on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2668510/Red_Dead_Redemption/ or go to the official game website here https://www.rockstargames.com/reddeadredemption

    #RedDeadRedemption #UndeadNightmare #PC #RockstarGames #WildWest #PCGames #Steam #Western #FreeRoaming #Gangs #Zombies #Apocalypse

  • It is the Dead Season out now

    It is the Dead Season out now

    The zombie apocalypse has happened and it is the end of the world as we know it, this is Dead Season and the survivors are fighting an endless battle for their future. In this turn-based game, players must get through sixteen levels of what can only be described as hell on earth in order to finish the game. There are plenty of resources available, but the zombies just will not stop, players have to keep going otherwise all is lost. Dead Season is out now for PC players on Steam and at the Epic Games Store.

    To find out more about the Dead Season game go to the official game website here https://www.iceberg-games.com/games/dead-season/ or head on over to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2666550/Dead_Season/

    #DeadSeason #Steam #Epic #GOG #Zombies #turnbasedtactics #Apocalypse #Undead #IcebergGames #games #gaming #horror #SnailBite

  • Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Liberty Falls Trailer

    Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Liberty Falls Trailer

    Coming at the end of October is the much awaited for Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Liberty Falls with new campaigns to include spy missions, high stake heists and plenty of action based events that will test you to the limit. One other thing coming back to the game is the return of the zombie invasion, these are the ultimate enemy that just keeps coming back for more. Gather your team together as things are about to become very dangerous as Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Liberty Falls launches are you ready for this?

    To find out more about the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Liberty Falls game go to the official website here https://www.callofduty.com/playnow/blackops6

    #CODNext #BlackOps6 #CallofDuty #CallofDutyBlackOps6LibertyFalls #GameTrailer #LibertyFalls #Warfare #Battles #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Zombies #Apocalypse

  • Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus New Gameplay

    Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus New Gameplay

    The zombie apocalypse is here and only you and your squad stand between this terror from spreading, yes Call of Duty: Black Ops is taking players into a dark and scary place with this one. Zombies are unlike any other enemy as they seem to just keep coming for you and what could be worse than a member of your squad being infected and becoming the enemy right before your eyes? There is only one thing to do fight, survive and then repeat it all over. Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus can be pre-ordered now!

    To find out more about the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus game visit the official website here http://a.atvi.com/PreOrderBO6

    #CallofDutyBlackOps6ZombiesTerminus #CallofDuty #BlackOps6 #ZombiesTerminus #Gameplay #Game #Gamers #Gaming #SciFi #Zombies #Warfare #Apocalypse #Deathmatch #NewGames #PreOrder

  • Welcome to ParadiZe is Offering New Free Content!

    Welcome to ParadiZe is Offering New Free Content!

    Moving to a new place is always a tense and risky time, have you done the right thing etc, well if your new home is called ParadiZe you might think that you have made it, unitl the zombie apocalypse hits and then everything goes downhill from then.

    However, it is not all bad as it seems that local entrepreneur Jeff Tusk and his company Tusk Industries have the answer with the Zombot Hacking Helmet, with this device, you can control a zombie to carry out those mundane tasks that you no longer want to do!

    Find out more about the Welcome to ParadiZe game here; https://nacon.me/m/welcometoparadize

    #Nacon #JeffTusk #ParadiZe #Survivalist #TuskIndustries #Zombot #HackingHelmet #Zombie #Apocalypse #EkoSoftware #WelcometoParadiZe #FreeContent #RPG #PlayStation #Xbox

  • Thrill of the Kill Update World War Z Aftermath

    Thrill of the Kill Update World War Z Aftermath

    If there is one enemy that just keeps coming back for more it has to be the zombie, death seems to bring these things to life and stopping them is an absolute nightmare that requires plenty of ammo and other weapons of mass destruction. Luckily for you, there is some help at hand with this latest update for the World War Z Aftermath game. You need some skills too, but put this together and you are in a great position to defend yourself against the zombie uprising.

    For the latest on the World War Z Aftermath game and the Thrill of the Kill update visit; https://www.wwzgame.com/

    #ThrilloftheKillUpdate #WorldWarZAftermath #WorldWarZAftermathThrilloftheKillUpdate #WWZ #WorldWarZ #Zombies #Apocalypse #EndoftheWorld #ZombieUprising

  • Broken Roads post-apocalyptic Australian Outback

    Broken Roads post-apocalyptic Australian Outback

    It is the end of the world as we know it, around the globe there are pockets of civilisation trying to hold onto the past while there are others who feel that the future is determined by the survival of the fittest. Broken Roads is set in the Australian Outback where you are on a journey of survival trying to form alliances and maybe even settle down somewhere safe with enough resources to ensure long-term survival, are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Broken Roads game here; https://www.brokenroadsgame.com/

    #BrokenRoads #Apocalypse #AustralianOutback #RPG #EndOfTheWorld #EpicGames #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Survival #Wastelands

  • Fallout TV Series Please Standby

    Fallout TV Series Please Standby

    There is still life in the Fallout franchise it would seem as if this is yet another story to crossover from the gaming world into the real world with a brilliant-looking TV series coming to Amazon Prime Video in a couple of days time on the 11th. The story covers the end of the world and the survivors. But mainly on those lucky enough to have spent their lives in luxury fallout shelters until they are forced once more to step outside to see what has become the world.

    Find out more about the Fallout TV series on Amazon Prime Video here; https://amzn.to/49JAC9x

    #FalloutTVSeries #PleaseStandby #Fallout #PrimeVideo #EndoftheWorld #FalloutShelters #Survivors #NuclearWar #Apocalypse #SciFi

  • Fallout Live TV Series On Prime

    Fallout Live TV Series On Prime

    Standby for the Fallout TV series on Prime Video, based on the game, it tells the story of the end of the world as we know it, nuclear war is here and a lucky few are able to retreat to the safety of massive fallout shelters. Two hundred years later the descendants of the survivors are forced to leave the shelters and find out what has become of the world.

    In the Fallout live TV series on Prime Video leaving the safety of the fallout shelters is now a matter of survival, the world has moved on and now the survivors are out of time with the real world, where instead of being alone there is a weird and wonderful society for them to find out about. Surviving the apocalypse is one thing, surviving the new world order is something completely different.

    Find out more about the Fallout Live TV Series On Prime here; https://amzn.to/41mJIpr

    #Fallout #FalloutTVSeries #PrimeVideo #FalloutLiveTVSeries #SciFi #FalloutGame #Fallout76 #Apocalypse #FalloutShelters #Survivors

  • Zombies Attack Call of Duty Modern Warfare III

    Zombies Attack Call of Duty Modern Warfare III

    When there is a zombie uprising the best way to defend against them is to be fully armed and with a team that you trust. So when the zombies attack in Call of Duty Modern Warfare III you know that you stand a chance, but these zombies just keep coming and eventually you are going to begin to run low on ammo, food and water, so what do you do now?

    Throughout the series of Call of Duty Modern Warfare III games, we have experienced many enemies, but none come close to the zombie, these creatures are relentless and their numbers are forever increasing. So you will need some serious weapons and a good plan, yet the zombies will still keep coming!

    Find out more about the Zombie Attack on Call of Duty Modern Warfare III here; https://www.callofduty.com/uk/en/modernwarfare3

    #Zombies #CallofDuty #ModernWarfareIII #ZombiesAttack #CallofDutyModernWarfareIII #ModernWarfareZombies #MWIII #Apocalypse

  • New Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

    New Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

    Next year will see the release of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes the world has moved on from the days of Caesar there is a new leader ruling with an iron fist, humans are mere slaves and a young ape goes on a journey of discovery. Some things never change, tyrants rule and those with questions are silenced.

    Years on from the last story, humans have lost everything and are no longer the dominant species on the planet. Yet even within the ranks of the apes, there are new and different ideas on how things should and could be. Will there ever be a time when apes and humans are able to live in some sort of harmony? The Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes will be released on the 24th of May 2024, the future is waiting for us, are you ready for it?

    Find out more about the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes here; https://www.20thcenturystudios.com/movies

    #KingdomofthePlanetoftheApes #Kingdom #PlanetoftheApes #Apocalypse #NewWorldOrder #Humans #Apes #Tyrant

  • Valley of the Zeke update for WWZ Aftermath

    Valley of the Zeke update for WWZ Aftermath

    Some games fade after a while, whereas the great games just keep going and WWZ Aftermath is one of those that just keeps going and with this latest update the game is set to just keep going. The Valley of the Zeke update for the WWZ Aftermath game is due out on the 1st of November are you ready to enter uncharted territory?

    With the release of the Valley of the Zeke update, this ensures that WWZ Aftermath will continue to frustrate players who are trying to escape the zombie horde. But as we know the zombies from WWZ are more lively than the slow-walking versions seen in other stories. There are only moments to react and you need to be light on your feet too, welcome to the Valley of the Zeke.

    Find out more about the Valley of the Zeke update for WWZ Aftermath here; http://WWZgame.com

    #ValleyoftheZeke #WWZAftermath #WWZ #WWZGame #Zombies #Apocalypse #SaberInteractive #Gaming #GameUpdate #WWZGameUpdate

  • Dying Light 2: Stay Human Undead or Alive Event

    Just when we thought that the zombie virus was under control it has come back with a vengeance with the city being the last hope for mankind becoming embroiled in conflict and resistance.

    Dying Light is a massive game that covers a wide range of locations all with the same horror, zombies! This is your chance to change the city forever and get rid of the zombie terror once and for all.

    Find out more on Dying Light 2: Stay Human – Undead or Alive Event here; https://dyinglightgame.com/

    #Zombies #Apocalypse #DyingLight #StayHuman #UndeadOrAlive

  • Surviving the Aftermath Rebirth the threat of Blight

    Surviving an apocalypse is hard enough, but afterwards, you need to put all of your efforts into surviving the aftermath. Survivors build communities, grow crops and raise livestock, yet as if this was not hard enough along comes the Rebirth of a blight that can stop everything in its tracks. Find more on how to save humankind here; https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/games/surviving-the-aftermath/add-ons/surviving-the-aftermath-rebirth #SurvivingTheAftermath #Blight #Rebirth #Apocalypse #Suvivors

  • Dead Island Beverly Hills Bel-Air

    You might have thought that the zombie outbreak would have been confined to Dead Island, but in this game, things are never quite what they seem. In this extended gameplay, the zombie slayer Dani is in Beverly Hills and Bel-Air it would seem that even the rich and famous are not safe from the zombie uprising. Find out more on Dead Island here; https://deadisland.com/ #DeadIsland #BeverlyHills #BelAir #Zombie #Apocalypse #DeadIslandGame

  • Dead Island Welcome To Paradise

    There are some places that are truly a paradise and yet thanks to the zombie apocalypse these places have become a living hell where every day is a battle for survival. This is Dead Island 2; Welcome to Hell and while the scenery is familiar the welcome is not. Find out more here; https://deadisland.com/preorder #DeadIsland #WelcomeToHell #Paradise #Zombie #Apocalypse #Survivors #ZombieSlayer #EpicGames

  • They Are The Last Of Us

    Based on the popular game The Last Of Us this series will be coming to a TV near you in January next year. This is a story of survival under the harshest of circumstances for Ellie and Joel, the action follows the storyline of the original game in a world that has been ravaged by the apocalypse and those that are left are not always the friendliest of people. Find out more here; https://www.sky.com/watch/the-last-of-us #TheLastOfUs #Survival #Apocalypse #HBO #WarnerBros #TheLastOfUsTVSeries #EndOfTheWorld #Games