Tag: #GameTrailer

  • Bionic Bay release date pushed back

    Bionic Bay release date pushed back

    The players waiting for the launch of the Bionic Bay game might be a little bit disappointed to hear that the release has been pushed back. However, it is not a disaster as the game will now be launching on the 17th of April, which is not a long way off and there will be a playable demo coming out on Steam soon. Bionic Bay is a science fiction platform game where players take on the role of a scientist trapped in a mysterious biomechanical world.

    To find out more about the Bionic Bay game go to the official game website here https://www.bionicbaygame.com or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/ct0Ow

    #BionicBay #Games #Gaming #NewGames #SciFi #Platformer #Mureena #PsychoflowStudio #DemoGame #PlayableDemo #Steam #BionicBayOnline #GameTrailer

  • Folklands Released On Early Access End Of March

    Folklands Released On Early Access End Of March

    Put down some roots with the Folklands City Builder game where players are able to start a colony in the best location and help it grow into a town and then on to becoming a city, of course, that is easier than it sounds as there are many factors involved in ensuring that the community survives and thrives. The player’s journey can begin sooner than later when it launches its Early Access on Steam on the 24th of March.

    To find out more about the Folklands game go to the official game website here https://lightup.games/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/yVPxv

    #Folklands #Games #Gaming #Newgames #GameTrailer #Steam #City #CityBuilder #LightUpGames #ColonySim #CityBuilder #BromanticGames #EarlyAccess

  • Sea Fantasy save the world through fishing

    Sea Fantasy save the world through fishing

    In the Sea Fantasy game, we are alerted to the strange concept that fishing can save the world. Players must obtain all the equipment needed and go after the prize known as SeaAZ this marine life although being a lifesaver it can also be dangerous. The world of fishing has never been such an important thing. Sea Fantasy will be launching in early January.

    To find out more about the Sea Fantasy game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/bXvTE or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/3yjy5

    #SeaFantasy #Fishing #SeaAZ #METASLA #RPG #NewGame #NewTrailer #Games #Gaming #Steam #2DGames #MarineLife #GameTrailer

  • Path of Exile 2 Early Access Gameplay Trailer

    Path of Exile 2 Early Access Gameplay Trailer

    The excellent Path of Exile 2 is now in early access on Steam, players can get a deep understanding of the game and to see what it is all about. There is a lot going on the dead are rising, the monsters are out and on top of that there are some strange characters to meet are you ready for this? The Path of Exile 2 game is out now on Steam early access.

    To find out more about the Path of Exile 2 game go to the official game website here https://pathofexile2.com/early-access or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/6x27t

    #PathofExile2 #Gameplay #Games #Gaming #ClassicGames #GameTrailer #EpicGames #NewGames #RPG #FreeToPlay #Steam #CoopGames

  • Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Liberty Falls Trailer

    Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Liberty Falls Trailer

    Coming at the end of October is the much awaited for Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Liberty Falls with new campaigns to include spy missions, high stake heists and plenty of action based events that will test you to the limit. One other thing coming back to the game is the return of the zombie invasion, these are the ultimate enemy that just keeps coming back for more. Gather your team together as things are about to become very dangerous as Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Liberty Falls launches are you ready for this?

    To find out more about the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Liberty Falls game go to the official website here https://www.callofduty.com/playnow/blackops6

    #CODNext #BlackOps6 #CallofDuty #CallofDutyBlackOps6LibertyFalls #GameTrailer #LibertyFalls #Warfare #Battles #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Zombies #Apocalypse

  • Get Ready For Rainbow Six Siege Pay Day Bundle

    Get Ready For Rainbow Six Siege Pay Day Bundle

    Get ready for the most exciting bank heist ever with Wamai and Zero looking to take the bank for a big score, yet as ever these things never go to plan and it seems that there could be a siege underway at the bank in the Rainbow Six Siege: Pay Day Bundle where time is key and the amount of cash on offer is well worth taking the chance. This is promising to be a great addition to the game, after all playing at robbing banks is clearly better than actually doing it in many ways. Could this be the best pay day ever or will it down as the worst thing that these guys have ever done?

    Find out more about the new Rainbow Six Siege: Pay Day Bundle here on the official Ubisoft R6S page https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege

    #RainbowSixSiege #PayDayBundle #RainbowSixSiegePayDayBundle #R6SxPayday #Ubisoft #R6Siege #PayDayGame #TomClancy #Games #Gaming #Gamers #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #NewGames #GameTrailer

  • Get Ready For Punch Club 2 Iron Fist

    Get Ready For Punch Club 2 Iron Fist

    It sounds a bit like something from Futurama, but this is more than just an animated TV series this is Punch Club 2 game with the Iron Fist DLC coming to PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo consoles very soon. This is the world of fighting robots and you have a chance to compete by building your own robot to take on the champions, you have an old workshop to get started in and an AI assistant to help you create a championship-winning robot. This is really going to push your creative and gaming skills to the limit, so are you ready to take on the competition in the ring?

    Find out more about the Punch Club 2: Iron Fist DLC here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2923090/Punch_Club_2_Iron_Fist/ or here on the Lazy Bear Games website http://lazybeargames.com/

    #PunchClub #IronFist #PunchClub2IronFist #Robots #RobotFightClub #DLC #GameTrailer #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #Nintendo #RoboticLeague #SecretRoboSociety #Robotics #Gaming #Gamers #Games

  • Albion Online Paths to Glory Update

    Albion Online Paths to Glory Update

    Albion Online have released the third update to the Paths of Glory game, this game is all big and now promises to offer some great new features such as; The Albion Journal, some unique rewards, dynamic spawn rates, the Roads of Avalon and there are three new Crystal Weapons, with all of this who wouldn’t want to take a trip down the Paths of Glory, this is a great game that has just been made a bit better and the, therefore, is something that should not be missed, are you ready!

    Find out more about the Paths of Glory game and update here on the Albion Online website https://albiononline.com/home

    #AlbionOnline #PathstoGlory #GameTrailer #FantasySandbox #MMORPG #ContentUpdate #GameRewards #CrystalWeapons #SandboxInteractive #Knights #DynamicSpawnRates #Gamers #Gaming #Games

  • The Redundant a new action-adventure game

    The Redundant a new action-adventure game

    Get ready for an exciting adventure in The Redundant a new game from the developer 7Gizmo where you play the part of a lonely robot seemingly alone in an abandoned industrial complex, but is this little guy alone? This game will push your thinking and gaming skills to the limit as you take on a virus-infected mechanical army with some evil bosses who are intent on taking the facility over for themselves, do you stand and fight or do you run and hide? Check this game out on Steam or the developer’s website now!

    Find out more about The Redundant game here on the Steam page https://store.steampowered.com/app/2859330/The_Redundant/ or on the website of the developer 7Gizmo here https://7gizmo.com/theredundant/

    #TheRedundant #7gizmo #ActionAdventureGame #CF5 #Robot #SciFi #IndieGame #ActionGames #Steam #Android #AI #NewGames #GameLaunch #GameTrailer #Gaming #Gamers #Games

  • Starmetal Crusaders A Galactic Adventure

    Starmetal Crusaders A Galactic Adventure

    Prepare to take on the galaxy as you lead your crew of space mercenaries around the galaxy looking for work and maybe the odd opportunity here and there. This game has the look and feel of an anime with a touch of arcade gaming thrown in for good measure. This is one of those games that is going to drive you crazy and fill you with enjoyment, not many games can offer that, so are you ready to get into some action in deep space with the Starmetal Crusaders?

    Find out more about the Starmetal Crusaders game here on Steam; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2881630/StarMetal_Crusaders/ or on the games website here; https://www.starmetalcrusaders.com

    #StarmetalCrusaders #Gaming #RTS #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Mercenaries #SpaceTravel #Battles #SpaceExploration #CombatGames #Steam #X1Games #Anime #NewGames #GameTrailer #GameDemo

  • Sea of Stars Dance of Five Million Suns

    Sea of Stars Dance of Five Million Suns

    The turn-based game is one of those adventures that will frustrate, confuse and give you so much joy, that it is hard to ignore the Sea of Stars is one of these games and it must not be missed. This is a coop game that allows three players to compete in a wonderous place that is full of magical challenges and mysteries to solve, are you ready to take on the journey of a lifetime?

    To find out more about the Sea of Stars games and where to pre-order the game visit here; https://seaofstars.iam8bit.com/us/

    #SabotageStudio #SeaofStars #CoopGames #NewGames #TurnBasedGames #AdventureGames #Gameplay #GameTrailer #PreOrderGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Sea of Stars Three Player Couch Co-op Action

    Sea of Stars Three Player Couch Co-op Action

    The turn-based game is one of those adventures that will frustrate, confuse and give you so much joy, that it is hard to ignore the Sea of Stars is one of these games and it must not be missed. This is a coop game that allows three players to compete in a wonderous place that is full of magical challenges and mysteries to solve, are you ready to take on the journey of a lifetime?

    To find out more about the Sea of Stars games and where to pre-order the game visit here; https://seaofstars.iam8bit.com/us/

    #SabotageStudio #SeaofStars #CoopGames #NewGames #TurnBasedGames #AdventureGames #Gameplay #GameTrailer #PreOrderGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Grime Definitive Edition on Nintendo Switch

    Grime Definitive Edition on Nintendo Switch

    There is a new explorable area for the Grime game in the Definitive Edition for the Nintendo Switch, this game is one of those that really challenges you right every level and you get to fight with living weapons and once you have defeated your enemies you can gain their strengths by consuming their essence. This is a brilliant game that will challenge your gaming and thinking skills to the limit.

    Find out more about the Grime Definitive Edition game on Nintendo Switch here; https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/grime-definitive-edition-switch/

    #Grime #DefinitiveEdition #NintendoSwitch #GrimeDefinitiveEdition #Nintendo #Switch #Game #SciFi #Metroidvania #GameTrailer

  • Battlefield 2042 Dark Protocol

    Battlefield 2042 Dark Protocol

    Standby for the exciting Battlefield 2042 season 6 themed event: Dark Protocol where the Boreas facility has been somehow taken over by its own AI technology allowing it to create Geists these powerful AI-controlled synthetic soldiers are the new enemy and they are a threat beyond anything else seen in the Battlefield.

    This is a limited time event that runs over a couple of weeks, so you can play the Dark Protocol event starting on October 31st right up to November 14th, the fact that it is a limited time event makes it all the more intense. The pressure is on are you ready to take on the Dark Protocol?

    Find out more about the Battlefield 2042 Dark Protocol event here; https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/news/battlefield-briefing-dark-protocol

    #Battlefield2042SeasonSix #DarkProtocol #GameTrailer #Battlefield #Killswitch #Boreas #AOS #NewGames #AI