Tag: #pcgames

  • Rebots out now on Steam

    Rebots out now on Steam

    Property development in space is now a thing with all sorts looking to buy planets, which is good for business but some clients are a bit picky and so you must use your legions of robots to terraform, build and gather resources in order to get the job done before the clients arrive. This is one of those games that you might think is going in the right direction and then it starts going wrong as these robots are not the smartest around so therefore things can go wrong very quickly.

    To find out more about the Rebots game go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/993030/Rebots/ or go to the official game website here https://astralogical.org/game-rebots

    #Rebots #Steam #FlatPonies #AstraLogical #automationgame #Games #Gaming #NewGames #PCGames #Robots #AI #SciFi #IndieGames

  • DarkenDerek The Last Fallen now on Steam

    DarkenDerek The Last Fallen now on Steam

    Thanks to Action Games we are able to take a step back in time away from the worries of today and stop the alien invasion of Club City. What better escape from the real world is there than visiting a world where all we are worrying about is stopping those aliens from taking homes, stuff and changing the world once and for all. The DarkenDerek The Last Fallen game is now on Steam and it’s free!

    To find out more about the DarkenDerek The Last Fallen game go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2155680/DarkenDerek_The_last_Fallen/ or head on over to the official game website here https://actiongamesclr.wixsite.com/actiongames

    #DarkenDerek #TheLastFallen #Steam #DarkenDerek #FPS #Aliens #ActionGames #NewGames #Games #Gaming #RetroGames #SciFi #Shooter #PCGames

  • UFO Man game available on 25th October

    UFO Man game available on 25th October

    The UFO Man is coming soon, but don’t worry this is not an invasion this is just a guy in a flying saucer moving square blocks around completing tasks and then moving on to the next one. However the controls and the blocks are delicate, one mistake and you are back to the starting all over again. This might have the appearance of an easy game, but for the players, this is a challenge and it is really going to be addictive, are you ready for this? UFO Man will be available from the 25th October on Steam and for iOS.

    To find out more about the UFO Man game visit the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/3091230/UFOMan/ or visit the official game website here https://dyglone.sakura.ne.jp/software_ufoman.html

    #UFOMan #GameplayTrailer #Steam #iOS #UFO #FlyingSaucer #Alien #SciFi #PCGames #MobileGames #Games #Gaming #FoddianGame #Dyglone #2DGames

  • Whispers of the Eyeless at Steam Next Fest

    Whispers of the Eyeless at Steam Next Fest

    This is the Whispers of the Eyeless a dark fantasy game where you are leading a dark cult through the darkest of times. The city has been infiltrated and there are many objectives to achieve in order to raise the gods. In this turn-based game, it has a lot to do with how you play and how far ahead you are able to plan. The Whispers of the Eyeless should be available by the end of the year, but in the meantime players will be able to catch up with things when the game demo is on Steam Next Fest from October 14th to the 21st.

    To find out more about the Whispers of the Eyeless game here on the games page on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2523890/Whispers_of_the_Eyeless/ or head on over to the official game website here https://www.hearthewhispers.com

    #WhispersoftheEyeless #SteamNextFest #RPG #IndieGames #Games #Gaming #Fantasy #Strategy #Steam #EvilGingerbreadStudio #CamlannGames #PCGames

  • FLEA2! Out Now on PC

    FLEA2! Out Now on PC

    How about some seriously cool retro gaming action with Flea2 as it launches on PC? This is a great game that gives us a look into the games of the past. This game or games of this type are not for everyone, but for some players, the experience of playing a 2D platform game is quite refreshing and it is worth having a look at. Get ready to leap around the game like there is no tomorrow and fight off some serious enemies along the way.

    To find out more about the Flea2 game go to the official game website here https://lowtekgames.itch.io/flea2 or head on over to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/3134830/FLEA2/

    #NES #Flea2 #Flea #RetroGames #ClassicGames #PCGames #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Kickstarter #LowTekGames #Itchio #2DPlatformer #HyperactiveFlea #Steam

  • Five Nights at Freddys go Into the Pit

    Five Nights at Freddys go Into the Pit

    It has to be said that spending Five Nights at Freddy’s is not really a great idea and now in the game version of the story they are inviting us to go Into the Pit everything is wrong about this and that is what makes it so right. So lets get going down to a local pizza place to see what’s going on. We all know the story and so we should be familiar with what is likely to happen along the way, this is slightly different and yet when it’s a game all things seem different, this is one game that really is worth a look at. Five Nights At Freddy’s: Into the Pit is now available on consoles, are you ready?

    To find out more about the Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit game go to the games page on Steam here https://bit.ly/MCSITPYT or visit the official game website here https://megacatstudios.com/

    #FiveNightsatFreddys #IntothePit #FiveNightsatFreddysIntothePit #FNaF #Steam #Discord #Horror #Games #Gaming #MegaCatStudios #PCGames #NewGames

  • DuneCrawl the co-op action-adventure game coming soon

    DuneCrawl the co-op action-adventure game coming soon

    In DuneCrawl you and your crew are on board a massive crab like machine that is able to travel from place to place on a journey of exploration but at the same time, it can also be a peacekeeping mission as you protect innocent townspeople from bandits. Luckily your crab-like machine is fully armed and armoured so you can take a bit of punishment but a relentless attack could cause damage that needs to be repaired. This DuneCrawl game will be launching early next year, although it can be on your wishlist on Steam from now.

    To find out more about the DuneCrawl game go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1833200/DuneCrawl/

    #DuneCrawl #DuneCrawlGame #IGN #Gaming #Gamers #Alientrap #Steam #OpenWorldGame #CoopGame #Exploration #Bandits #PCGames #SteamWishlist

  • Begin Your Journey With City 20

    Begin Your Journey With City 20

    The quest to survive in a post-apocalyptic world where you have the security of a settlement to keep you safe, but is this what life has become or is there more, could there be a way to bring back the past or has that been lost forever? This is one of those game where all players will have a different experience depending on their decisions and actions. The City 20 game is available now for PC players through Early Access on Steam and from the Epic Games Store.

    To find out more about the City 20 game here on the official website http://www.untoldgames.com/ or head on over to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1597980/City_20/

    #UntoldGames #City20 #DystopianLifeSimulator #PostApocalyptic #Survival #Sandbox #PCGames #EarlyAccess #Steam #EpicGamesStore #Games #Gaming

  • The Perfect Pencil coming to Steam and Nintendo Switch

    The Perfect Pencil coming to Steam and Nintendo Switch

    This is something different, it’s called The Perfect Pencil a hand-drawn action platform game that sort of takes us into the dark recesses of the mind where things are not always what they might seem to be at first. This is a delightful game with great graphics and a challenging story that will make you think your way through the game until you meet the bosses then it is just a matter of giving them hell. The Perfect Pencil game will be launching in the Spring of 2025 on Steam and Nintendo Switch.

    To find out more about The Perfect Pencil game go to the developer’s website here https://www.studiocimagames.com/ or take a closer look at the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1858810/The_Perfect_Pencil/

    #ThePerfectPencil #NintendoSwitch #Steam #Newgames #StudioCima #NintendoofAmerica #PCGames #Games #Gaming #ActionPlatformer #HandDrawnGames

  • Panic In The Woods Available Now

    Panic In The Woods Available Now

    You are with your scout troop camping in the woods, which is all nice in the daylight but when becomes dark all sorts of things can happen. This is Panic in the Woods it is a mix of horror and adventure as you play in a co-op as they enter a cursed forest full of demons and dark corners. However, you have walkie-talkies to communicate on as you collect artefacts and gather the limited tools and resources available that just might help you survive the Panic in the Woods game.

    To find out more about the Panic in the Woods visit the page on Steam here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/3036880/Panic_In_The_Woods/

    #PanicInTheWoods #Steam #PCGames #NewGames #ExitPlansGames #Games #Gaming #Horror #Haunted #Coop #Extraction #Adventure #Woods

  • Cosmic Storms mechanical expansion for Stellaris

    Cosmic Storms mechanical expansion for Stellaris

    Out now is the brilliant Cosmic Storms mechanical expansion for the Stellaris game giving players to experience eight types of storms, storm chaser origins, new civics and narratives. This is really going to expand the game for players and obviously should interest players who are yet to explore the Stellaris game for the first time. For all players this is the chance to embrace the storm, so are you ready to take on the Cosmic Storms in the Stellaris game?

    To find out more about the Cosmic Storms mechanical expansion for the Stellaris game here on the official website https://pdxint.at/47paa4v

    #Stellaris #StellarisCosmicStorms #paradoxinteractive #cosmicstorms #mechanicalexpansion #SciFi #PCGames #GameUpdate #BehaviourInteractive #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Over the Top WWI on Steam now

    Over the Top WWI on Steam now

    It is easy for us to forget about the First World War, maybe it is because it is such a long time ago or maybe some other reason, anyway war is brutal no matter when or where it takes place and this is your chance to find out what it would have been like to be stationed on the front line in the trenches when the enemy breaks out and heads over the top of the trenches and into the space known as no man’s land! How do you think you would cope? Find out now on Steam with the Over The Top WWI game.

    To find out more about the Over The Top game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2778610/Over_The_Top_WWI/ or go to the official game website here https://www.fsegames.eu/pages/index.html

    #OverTheTop #WWI #Steam #FSEGames #FlyingSquirrelEntertainment #WorldWarOne #TheGreatWar #Battles #Troops #Warfare #Games #Gaming #Gamers #PCGames

  • Dune Awakening is coming to PC Early 2025

    Dune Awakening is coming to PC Early 2025

    Whether you have read the books, seen the TV series or watched the movie versions, Dune is an outstanding science fiction and in Dune: Awakening you get the chance to be right there within the story as it unfolds. In this gameplay reveal we get to see what it is like to move from survivor to spice hunter, we all know that life on the desert planet of Arrakis is hard, so now it is the time to experience it. Dune: Awakening will be coming to PC early in 2025.

    To find out more about the Dune Awakening game go the page on Steam here and to your wish list https://store.steampowered.com/app/1172710/Dune_Awakening/ or visit the official website here https://duneawakening.com/

    #DuneAwakening #Dune #Gamescom #Steam #PCGames #Dune #MMO #OpenWorldGame #SpiceHunter #Suvivors #Gameplay #NewGames #SciFi #Warfare

  • Unforeseen Incidents a Conspiracy and a Deadly Virus

    Unforeseen Incidents a Conspiracy and a Deadly Virus

    Backwoods Entertainment and Application Systems Heidelberg are about to release the Unforeseen Incidents game on mobile and later on PC, it is a story of a major conspiracy and a deadly virus. You play the part of a handyman who has stumbled across something strange and this is just the beginning of the game, from this point you are on a mission to save humanity and the world, so there is no pressure then! The Unforeseen Incidents game will be launching on September the 12th are you ready to save the world?

    To find out more about the Unforeseen Incidents game go to the official game website here https://www.ashshop.biz/mac/spiele/adventures-und-rollenspiele/779/unforeseen-incidents-download or to download the game go to the iOS App Store here https://ashgames.com/iOS/UnforeseenIncidents/EN of the Google PlayStore here https://ashgames.com/Android/UnforeseenIncidents/EN

    #UnforeseenIncidents #iOS #Android #AppStore #GooglePlay #ApplicationSystems #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Steam #PCGames #MobileGames #BackwoodsEntertainment #Conspiracy #DeadlyVirus

  • Memoriapolis launches on Steam Early Access

    Memoriapolis launches on Steam Early Access

    The city builder and strategy game Memoriapolis has launched on Steam Early Access for any PC gamers out there looking to build an empire or establish a long-lasting dynasty. This game needs careful planning and strategies in order for the city to survive as there are many hazzards waiting in the sidelines. A city is an organic thing you set things in motion and the city grows is the environment is ready, if not the city could shrink and die, let’s face it, nobody wants to live and work in a dying city, do they?

    To find out more about the Memoriapolis game go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2228280/MEMORIAPOLIS/ or to the official games website here https://playmemoriapolis.com

    #Memoriapolis #SteamEarlyAccess #CityBuilder #SIM #FutureGamesShow #Gamescom #5PMStudio #Games #PCGames #Gamers #Gaming #Building #Politics #Planning #Strategy

  • Squirrel with a Gun hunted by Secret Agents

    Squirrel with a Gun hunted by Secret Agents

    The world can be a crazy place but what if a small rodent had ambitions? This is Squirrel with a Gun and it is exactly how it sounds, this squirrel wants more from life and has armed himself in order to fulfil his dreams. Unfortunately, there are black-suited agents after him and it is only a matter of time before things start to kick off, could this little squirrel survive the attacks of the agents, there are plenty of weapons to collect along with RC Cars and there is also cake, what more could you want from a game?

    Find out more about the Squirrel with a Gun game here at the Epic Games Store https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/squirrel-with-a-gun-6b1fa1 or here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2067050/Squirrel_with_a_Gun/

    #SquirrelwithaGun #WildRodentGunplay #PCGames #PlayStation5 #XboxSeriesX #Games #Gaming #Gamers #MaximumEntertainment #DeeDeeCreations #Guns #Agents #Shooter

  • Conquer the Space Menace 2 on Steam

    Conquer the Space Menace 2 on Steam

    We can travel deep into the galaxy in games, but what is the fun if that, we want to build a fleet of ships and rule the galaxy, which is exactly what the Space Menace 2 game is all about. You start off with a small ship as you defeat others and steal their resources you can soon turn one ship into many and now you have a fleet at your disposal. But it’s not just all about building a fleet, as there are other people doing the same thing so keep one eye on the goal and the other on what is lying in wait for you. The Space Menace 2 game is currently available to wishlist on Steam, so what are you waiting for?

    Find out more about the Space Menace 2 game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/3136380/Space_Menace_2/

    #SpaceMenace2 #Steam #SpaceMenace #SciFi #NewGame #Only4Gamers #RTS #SpaceTravel #SpaceWars #Games #Gamers #Gaming #Strategy #Action #Storytelling #PCGames #Windows #Mac #Linux

  • Reptilian Rising Retro Time Travel Game

    Reptilian Rising Retro Time Travel Game

    There is nothing like a bit of time travel to mess up the world and with this game, you can do just that change history to make things better or worse, you know that it is not going to be all good because who can resist the temptation to make money or come up with a good idea especially when you know what the outcome is going to be. This is Reptilian Rising from Gregarious Games it is coming to PC via Steam where there is a demo to check out.

    Find out more about the Reptilian Rising game here on the official website https://reptilianrising.com/ or here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1625460/Reptilian_Rising/

    #ReptilianRising #PCGames #Steam #TimeTravel #RetroGames #History #Games #Gaming #Gamers #HistoricalFigures #GregariousGames #SciFi #AlternateReality #Dinosaurs

  • Original Studios The Last Plague Blight In Early Access

    Original Studios The Last Plague Blight In Early Access

    This is the end of the world as we know it, a mysterious illness has ravaged the world leaving behind a few survivors and you are one of them! We have seen stories such as this before, but in this game, you must begin your survival in this hostile world right from the start. You need to find shelter, water and food straight away otherwise your chances of survival are very limited. Once you have the basics you then need to search for what valuable resources are left, weapons, clothing and just about anything else that is going to help you. Do you think that you have what it takes to survive The Last Plague: Blight?

    To find out more about The Last Plague Blight as it goes into early access on the steam page here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564600/The_Last_Plague_Blight/

    #OriginalStudios #TheLastPlagueBlight #EarlyAccess #Survival #Survivors #Steam #Resources #EndoftheWorld #Games #Gaming #Gamers #PCGames #NewGames #Plague #Disease #Pandemic

  • PUBG Patch Report Clan Month New Weapons

    PUBG Patch Report Clan Month New Weapons

    There is a new update for PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds that brings in Clan Month and some new weapons, with new rewards too. This is season 31 and it is just as exciting as ever. The mission remains the same, become the last team standing and win, it is really that simple and yet there is some serious fun to be had along the way, maybe that is why this game has been going for so long and attracts so many players, what’s your clan?

    To find out more about the PUBG Patch Report here on the official website https://pubg.com/en/news/7582

    #PUBG #PatchReport #ClanMonth #NewWeapons #PUGBBattlegrounds #BattleRoyale #BATTLEGROUNDS #PUBGClanMonth #KRAFTON #PCGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #PUBGPatchReport #GameUpdates

  • Project Archipelago Pre-Alpha PC Playtest

    Project Archipelago Pre-Alpha PC Playtest

    Gamers who know Rebellion will also know about the Sniper Elite game where you are behind enemy lines on mission to cause as much havoc and destruction as possible, well now there is the Project Archipelago game a sniper battle royale game that will really push your skills to the limit and beyond. The good news is that this new game is going into a Pre-Alpha PC Playtest. So check it out on the official page and sign up for the three-day Pre-Alpha Access that will be running from Aug 16th to the 18th starting at 20:00-24:00 CEST are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Project Archipelago Pre-Alpha PC Playtest here on the official sign-up page https://archipelago.antidote.gg/?n=ryt

    #gaming #rebelliondevelopments #gamingnews #playtest #sniperbattleroyale #battleroyale #games #gamers #sniper #battleroyale #pcgames #newgames #ProjectArchipelago #rebellion

  • Busway Islands Arrives on Consoles soon

    Busway Islands Arrives on Consoles soon

    Running a mass transit system is not as easy as it might sound, there are all sorts of issues that can pop up and as you are in charge it is your job to make sure that everything is a running smoothly, do you think that you can handle it? This is the Busway Island game where the system is one big puzzle that needs to be solved in order for the transport system to work, this is not your average puzzle game as so many obstacles can get in the way, this is going to be a right headache, get ready for Busway Islands when it comes out on the 11th.

    Find out more about the Busway Island game here on the Rising Moon Games website; https://www.risingmoongames.com/

    #BuswayIsland #Puzzle #NintendoSwitch #PS4 #PS5 #XboxOne #Xbox #Gameplay #PuzzleGames #Games #Gamers #Gaming #Controllers #PCGames #Building #SIM #Planning #Transport

  • Donderbos Games releases AVOID on Steam

    Donderbos Games releases AVOID on Steam

    Take a look at this game from Donderbos Games it’s called AVOID and it is available on Steam now for PC gamers looking for a challenge and a bit of a headache trying to get through the levels. This is something that really will challenge your gaming and thinking skills, this is not an easy ride and yet this is going to be a game that pushes the limits of the gamer and the rewards will be that once completed you will be waiting for the next the update in order to get going once more. Are you ready to play Avoid and be challenged?

    To find out more about the Avoid game, go to the games page on Steam here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2622220/AVOID/

    #DonderbosGames #AVOID #Steam #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #Rollercoaster #Race #FirstPersonRunner #PCGames #Downloads #Leaderboard #Soundtrack #PC #Mac #Linux

  • Tarisland Launches Globally

    Tarisland Launches Globally

    It is time to embark on a journey into the Tarisland and you can play anywhere, as this game is not only for PC gamers it comes as a mobile game too, so there are no excuses now. The Tarisland game covers a massive world full of different and diverse characters, some you can trust, while others you cannot and as with real life this is all part of the journey. Tarisland is out now for PC and mobile, are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Tarisland game here; https://tarisglobal.com/en/home.html

    #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #CrossPlatform #MMORPG #Tarisland #MobileGames #PCGames #FantasticalJourney #Dungeons #LevelInfinite #FantasyGames #MMO #Twitch

  • Open A Boutique With Clothing Store Simulator

    Open A Boutique With Clothing Store Simulator

    How would you like to open your very retail store selling clothing to the public? Well for some this may be a dream, but with this new Clothing Store Simulator from Kiki Games you can find out just how easy or hard it is to open and manage a clothing store, there is more to it than first meets the eye, you need to buy the stock at the right price, deal with customers and all of the other issues that pop up every day when you are running a business. Do you think that you have what it take to open and run a clothing store?

    Find out more about the Clothing Store Simulator game here; https://www.clothingstoresimulator.com/

    #KikiGames #ClothingStoreSimulator #NewGames #Fashion #Boutique #PCGames #Steam #Shop #Store #Clothing #RetailStore #Gaming #Gamers #Games #RetailChains #Business #Deals

  • Vault of the Void Set Launching on Mobile in June

    Vault of the Void Set Launching on Mobile in June

    Coming soon from Spider Nest Games is the brilliant Vault of the Void Set it is basically a
    single-player, RNG roguelike deckbuilder game and it will become available on both Android and iOS this month. The mobile game is slightly different than the PC game, but it is something that you can take along with you wherever you go and that makes things different for the player, so soon you will be able to play the Vault of the Void Set game whenever you have a spare minute or two.

    Find out more about the Vault of the Void Set game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1135810/Vault_of_the_Void/

    #Deckbuilding #Cards #PCGames #Roguelike #Android #iOS #Steam #MobileGames #NewGames #Games #Gamers #Gaming #SpidernestGames #VaultoftheVoidSet

  • Killing Floor 3 Gameplay Trailer

    Killing Floor 3 Gameplay Trailer

    This is one of those games that you might need a certain disposition to play as it is a bit gruesome and somewhat horrific, yet this is the Killing Floor 3 and it is just as we would want it to be. Although the game was given some time at the recent PC Gaming Show this game is not going to be available until early 2025 at the earliest, so in the meantime, we might as well make the most of the trailers, screenshots and gameplay videos that will be released in due course.

    Find out more about the Killing Floor 3 game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430190/Killing_Floor_3/

    #TripwireInteractive #KillingFloor3 #PCGames #Steam #EpicGamesStore #PlayStation #Xbox #Games #Gaming #Gamers #ConsoleGames #Horror #SciFi #NewGames #PCGamingShow

  • Kitfox Games reveals the Streets of Fortuna

    Kitfox Games reveals the Streets of Fortuna

    At the PC Gaming Show games developer, Kitfox Games announced a new game they are calling The Streets of Fortuna where you can play as one of the many characters available such as; a thief, a blacksmith, a rebel, a priest, a smuggler, a lover, a cook, or even a street rat, but this life is tough and there is an Overlord ruling over the city, maybe you can get a team together and overthrow this tyrant and bring peace to the city, who knows?

    Find out more about the Streets of Fortuna game here; https://bit.ly/3WQ6aqE

    #KitfoxGames #StreetsofFortuna #FreeRoaming #Megasim #Sandbox #RPG #Game #Games #Gaming #PCGamingShow #City #Stories #Overlord #Challenges #NewGames #Steam #PCGames

  • EcoGnomix Gnome Roguelite and City Builder Announced

    EcoGnomix Gnome Roguelite and City Builder Announced

    This is an interesting game where you are a race of gnomes living peacefully in your village, but space is running out so expansion is the only way forward and so a city is designed, but resources are low and there is only one way to go to find them, down! Using a team of specialist gnomes tunnels are dug into the caves below where are plenty of resources and dangers waiting. This is a game where you must think on different levels, digging below your city can create a weakness and then collapse. Are you ready for EcoGnomix?

    Find out more about the EcoGnomix game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2473640/EcoGnomix/

    #EcoGnomix #AnnouncementTrailer #Steam #EpicGamesStore #GOG #GnomeRoguelite #CityBuilder #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Gnomes #Cities #Civilisation #PCGames #Tunnels

  • The Machine Age for Stellaris on PC

    The Machine Age for Stellaris on PC

    There is a new and free expansion available for the science fiction stategy game Stellaris, the game update will offer some interesting features to help the machine empires such as the endgame crisis, a new endgame path and there are three new origins. This is something that will be welcoming players to the machine age and this is going to be a great update for this already exciting game, which is just as well as there is a threat heading to the game unlike anything ever seen before, get ready for this as this is going to epic.

    Find out more about the Stellaris game and The Machine Age expansion here; https://pdxint.at/3QyqwAP

    #Stellaris #paradoxinteractive #machineage #StellarisTheMachineAge #SciFi #PCGames #Gaming #Gamers #Andromeda #SciFiStrategyGame #GameExpansion