Tag: #pcgames

  • Terminus Zombie Survivors Game Update

    Terminus Zombie Survivors Game Update

    Could you survive the Zombie Apocalypse? It might sound easy enough you just have to gather weapons, food, water and other essentials, then search out an easily defendable place to live, sounds easy and you are about to get the chance to prove your survival tactics in the Terminus: Zombie Survivors game, which has just been given its final update before it finishes its time on early access and is released into the gaming world. So, do you have what it takes to survive Zombie Apocalypse?

    Find out more about the Terminus: Zombie Survivors game here; https://terminuszombiesurvivors.com/

    #TerminusZombieSurvivors #Survival #Roguelike #Zombies #Survivors #LongplayStudios #2DGames #PCGames #ZombieApocalypse #ZombieVirus #GameUpdate #SciFi

  • How to Play Venture in Overwatch II

    How to Play Venture in Overwatch II

    Sometimes the future is well worth fighting for and in this case, the game is team-based and it’s free to play, so what more does Overwatch 2 offer? Now in season ten, you can play as Venture and to help you along the way there is a little bit of help here from the developers, now you play Venture like you mean it and realise that the future is worth fighting for, so what are you waiting for here?

    Find out more about the Overwatch game on Blizzard here; https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-gb/

    #Overwatch #Overwatch2 #OverwatchVenture #HowtoPlayVenture #OverwatchGame #Blizzard #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #FreeGames #PCGames #ConsoleGames

  • Aquapark Tycoon for your PC in 2025

    Aquapark Tycoon for your PC in 2025

    Fans of tycoon-style games will love to hear about this game from the German games developer Boxelware, it will put you right in the middle of things, from designing your park to marketing it and fixing any issues that occur from time to time. This game is not due out until 2025 so there is a bit of time to wait, but that is good as it will give you time to practice on other tycoon-style games until the Aquapark Tycoon game is released,

    Find out more about the Aquapark Tycoon game on Steam here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2819470/Aquapark_Tycoon/

    #Boxelware #AquaparkTycoon #PCGames #Steam #Gameplay #TycoonGames #Gaming #Gamers #Games #TycoonBuilder #Themeparks

  • Hi-Fi RUSH On PlayStation Now

    Hi-Fi RUSH On PlayStation Now

    Well for anyone who is into music, robots, sci-fi and gaming this has to be worth a look at, it’s the Hi-Fi Rush game that has been out for PC and Xbox but is also out now for PlayStation players too. This game is a massive mix-up of music, robots, science fiction and plenty of gaming challenges, It is fun, exciting and very challenging too, so what are you waiting for, take a look at Hi-Fi Rush or just jump in and play the game, the rhythm is going to get you!

    Find out more about the Hi-Fi Rush game here; hifirush.com

    #TangoGameworks #RhythmActionGame #HiFiRUSH #PlayStation #Robots #Music #Bethesda #Games #SciFi #MusicalRobot #EvilCorp #Rockstar #PCGames #Xbox #PlayStation

  • Sand Land Custom Car Gameplay

    Sand Land Custom Car Gameplay

    When the world is a virtual wasteland you are going to need some serious transport to get you around and to keep you safe at the same time, which is why this custom car feature is a great idea as it allows you to add what features you feel are going to help you on your quest. However this is no easy drive as there are plenty of dangers waiting for you around every corner, can you handle the pressure?

    Find out more about the Sand Land game here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/sand-land/sand-land

    #SandLand #CustomCar #BandaiNamcoEnt #Beelzebub #ActionRPG #PCGames #Playstation #Xbox #Tanks #Battles #Wastelands #SciFi

  • Whisper Games Announce The Nameless Slay Dragon

    Whisper Games Announce The Nameless Slay Dragon

    The independent games developer Whisper Games has announced a new title for PC coming in the latter part of this year and then eventually on Nintendo Switch. The Nameless: Slay Dragon is a game where a powerful dragon rules the world and you are a mere boy who has somehow fallen into a blood feud with this evil dragon, but life goes on and you need to live your life, build your home, feed your family and just survive the rigours of the daily routine as well as keeping an eye out for the dragon that could strike at any moment from nowhere, are ready for this?

    Find out more about The Nameless: Slay Dragon from Whisper Games here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2410170/The_Nameless_Slay_Dragon/

    #WhisperGames #TheNamelessSlayDragon #WhisperGamesTheNamelessSlayDragon #Steam #RPG #Games #PCGames #NewGames #IndieGames #PRHound #NintendoSwitch

  • Blade Chimera On PC And Nintendo Switch

    Blade Chimera On PC And Nintendo Switch

    Get ready for Blade Chimera as it will be coming for PC and the Nintendo Switch in the Spring of next year. This is one of those games that has a retro look with its 2D art and platforms to conquer. However, unlike older games, this one will use the latest tools to produce a wonderful flowing game that not only challenges it flows smoothly through the levels.

    Blade Chimera is set in a future world where somehow an invasion of demons has turned the world upside down as the demon war takes hold. Decades later the demons rule the city as monsters and spirits, you are armed with a demon sword and the new demon war is about to start, are you ready?

    Find out more about the Blade Chimera game here; https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/blade-chimera-switch/

    #BladeChimera #NintendoSwitch #IndieWorld #PCGames #DystopianCyberpunkWorld #2DActionGame #Demons #Monsters #PixelArt

  • Alan Wake II Launches Tomorrow

    Alan Wake II Launches Tomorrow

    Alan Wake is a successful writer who has found himself in the living nightmare of his own writing. Trying to escape from these visions he seeks some downtime in small town, but the nightmare has followed him as the normally quiet town is rocked by a series of ritualistic murders.

    He is joined by FBI agent Saga Anderson who is sent to the town to find out what is happening, together they must find out about the victims, the murderer and who is going to be struck down next. This is a dark and scary story that not only requires great gaming skills, it needs a lot of thinking too, are you ready for Alan Wake II?

    Find out more about the second Alan Wake game here; https://alanwake.com

    #AlanWake #FBIAgent #SagaAnderson #AlanWakeII #PCGames #EpicGamesStore #Horror #Murders #Game #Nightmare

  • Killing Floor The Deep Blue Z

    The Zeds are back and so it is time to deep dive into the dark waters and save the world from an invasion that could mean the end of life as we know it.

    The Killing Floor 2 gives you a chance to explore the deep caverns and with new maps, there are going to be challenges behind every door and hiding in the shadows.

    Find out more on the Killing Floor 2: Deep Blue Z here; https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/

    #KillingFloor2 #DeepBlueZ #KillingFloor2DeepBlueZ #EpicGames #PCGames #GameUpdates

  • Are you ready for Redfall?

    It is time to take back Redfall Island from the vampire menace that has blocked out the sunlight and taken the resort island as their home. Go in alone or as a team of four and stop the vampires before it’s too late.

    Redfall is available now for the Xbox Series X|S and PC, play with the Game Pass for bonus content.

    Find out more on the Redfall game here; redfall.com

    #Redfall #Vampires #Xbox #PCGames #RedfallIsland

  • Returnal Break The Cycle

    It is time to break the cycle with the Retunal game, time to fight in order to survive following a crash landing on a shape-shifting world. Being alone in a hostile environment is challenging enough, but there are dangers all around too. Can you survive? Find out more on Returnal here; https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/returnal #Returnal #EpicGames #Survival #Stranded #ShapeShifting #PCGames

  • Sims Four Growing Together

    The instalment of the Sims will be coming soon, it’s the Sims Four Growing Together coming in March it’s based in the quaint town of San Sequoia where you will be able to build a life, family and even a massive treehouse if you have the skills! Find out more on the Sims 4 Growing Together expansion pack here; https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims #Sims #TheSims #Game #TheSims4GrowingTogether #SimsExpansionPack #PCGames #EpicGames

  • Redfall Save The Island From Vampires

    This is your mission, an island has been overrun with vampires, you can work alone or team up to free it from this curse, do you have what it takes to free the island from vampires? Find out more about the island of vampires here; redfall.com #Redfall #Vampires #Gameplay #XboxGames #PCGames #GamePass

  • Sackboy Big Adventure For PC

    Well, this is it Sackboy goes on a Big Adventure on your PC, this brilliant game is perfect for the PC gamer with great graphics, sounds and a nice little story to go with it. Find out more on Steam here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1599660/Sackboy_A_Big_Adventure/ #Sackboy #PC #PCGames #BigAdventure #Adventure #3Dgame #SackboyBigAdventure #PlatformGame #EpicGames

  • Let’s Get Uncharted Legacy Of Thieves

    There are many hidden treasures around the world to search for, however, you are not the only people on the trail and that is the problem. This is dangerous work can you handle it? Find out more here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1659420/UNCHARTED_Legacy_of_Thieves_Collection/ #Uncharted #Treasures #LegacyOfThieves #TreasureHunters #EpicGames #UnchartedLegacyOfThieves #Adventures #PCGames

  • Enjoy Blankos Block Party

    Welcome to Blankos Block Party a multiplayer game that offers custom design and artwork, the game allows players to create their own levels and share them with other players, what’s not to like about that? Find out more https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/blankos-block-party-09fc55 @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #EpicGames #Blankos #BuildLevels #Art #CustomDesign #BlankosBlockParty #BlockParty #MultiplayerGame #Games #Gaming #PCGames