You Have Reached The Royal Frontier

Welcome to the Royal Frontier, this is a game that will take you back to when gaming was simpler and you only needed to keep going until you finished each level to eventually win. However, gaming has changed so much it is a surprise that these classic looking games are popular and yet they are, which can only be a good thing, sometimes it is nice to just go on a game and forget everything that is going on around you for a short while, that is the Royal Frontier, details are below!

The wagons are packed and an eager group of settlers are ready to head out. But the journey is full of dangers. Treacherous terrain, savage bandits and ancient monsters have been the end of many settlers. So they turn to you to protect them. Choose your party, move across the map like a board game, and battle monsters. The combat is a nuanced mix of turn-based and time-based approaches, with attacks, specials and items making each encounter unique.

Would you like some more information? Then you are in luck because we have included a link to the story, it can be found below, just run your mouse over the link to satisfy yourself that you are going to the right destination and click for more!

Ratalaika Games

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