1, 2, 3… Say ‘Wenjie’! Create stunning images to last for eternity with DEATHLOOP’s new Photo Mode, available now in Game Update 3. Photo Mode makes it easy to bring your vision to life. Capture Colt in the middle of the action, snap a scenic panorama of Blackreef or flex your portraiture skills shooting the Visionaries. With a wide selection of camera tools, character poses, filters, stickers, and frames, the possibilities are endless.
Would you like some more information? Then you are in luck because we have included a link to the story, it can be found below, just run your mouse over the link to satisfy yourself that you are going to the right destination and click for more!
@TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #Deathloop #Official #PhotoMode #DeathloopGame #Bethesda #Assassins #Suvivors #Deathmatch #Gaming #Photos

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