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Moving to a new place is always a tense and risky time, have you done the right thing etc, well if your new home is called ParadiZe you might think that you have made it, unitl the zombie apocalypse hits and then everything goes downhill from then.

However, it is not all bad as it seems that local entrepreneur Jeff Tusk and his company Tusk Industries have the answer with the Zombot Hacking Helmet, with this device, you can control a zombie to carry out those mundane tasks that you no longer want to do!

Find out more about the Welcome to ParadiZe game here; https://nacon.me/m/welcometoparadize

#Nacon #JeffTusk #ParadiZe #Survivalist #TuskIndustries #Zombot #HackingHelmet #Zombie #Apocalypse #EkoSoftware #WelcometoParadiZe #FreeContent #RPG #PlayStation #Xbox

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