Tag: #Survival

  • Dark Hours the co-op survival horror game

    Dark Hours the co-op survival horror game

    If you are looking for a scary single-player or coop game then the Dark Hours could just be what you have been waiting for, as it offers excitement as you are part of a gang planning a robbery at various locations, but then it becomes scary when everything starts to go wrong due to a supernatural event. Being trapped inside a building can be bad enough, but there is an evil presence and that is where the gang start to have problems, it is a matter of survival now. The Dark Hours has now got its third game update.

    To find out more about the Dark Hours game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/eqhP7 or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/U8qpa

    #DarkHours #PieceofCakeStudios #KeplerInteractive #Games #Gaming #CooP #Survival #Horror #Casino #TricksterDemon #Gamble #Heist #MiniGames #Robbery

  • Total Chaos Demo Game On Steam Now

    Total Chaos Demo Game On Steam Now

    With a name like Total Chaos you might think that this is one of those games that totally frustrates players, but no, this is one of those games that will totally creep players out. You survive a shipwreck, being adrift in a raft and end on dry land, only to find that you are in an abandoned mining community or at least you thought it was abandoned. Now you are in a battle for survival against the odds and some dangerous mutant-like creatures. Total Chaos will be launching on PC via Steam on the 24th of July.

    To find out more about the Total Chaos game go to the official game website here http://www.totalchaosgame.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/rWm4K

    #TotalChaos #TriggerHappyInteractive #ApogeeEntertainment #Horror #Survival #Steam #Shipwrecked #Ruins #Games #Gaming #VRGames #Psychological #DemoGame

  • Take a deep dive into Atomfall

    Take a deep dive into Atomfall

    There has been a lot of talk about the Atomfall game and there is a chance to take a proper deep dive into the game with the video below. The game is a bit like a classic science fiction movie from the fifties or sixties with factual events being put together with a fictional twist. Players take on the role of an investigator who is trying to find out the truth of what is happening inside the quarantine zone. Atomfall can be pre-ordered now with the game launching on the 27th of March.

    To find out more about the Atomfall game go to the official game website here https://atomfall.com/

    #Atomfall #Windscale #Rebellion #Games #Gaming #SciFi #Survival #Action #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #Quarantine #NuclearPowerPlant #NuclearAccident #DeepDive

  • The Last Caretaker Is Rebuilding Civilization

    The Last Caretaker Is Rebuilding Civilization

    The world as we know it has changed, it is mostly covered in water and it is up to The Last Caretaker to survive, travel around the oceans and rebuild civilisation. The players take on the role of the lone robot whose mission is to search out old tech, reactivate dormant systems, scavenge resources and eventually launch the last human embryos into space on board the waiting rocket. The Last Caretaker is set to be released on Steam Early Access in the summer.

    To find out more about The Last Caretaker go to the official game website here https://thelastcaretaker.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/orqqk

    #TheLastCaretaker #SciFi #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Channel37 #PC #Steam #EpicGamesStore #Robot #Survival #RebuildCivilization #IndieGames

  • Dragonkin The Banished is coming to Early Access

    Dragonkin The Banished is coming to Early Access

    The world has been overrun by marauding dragons, players of the Dragonkin: The Banished game will have to save the world from this evil reign and bring some life to the world. The Dragonkin: The Banished game will be going into early access on Steam on the 6th of March/

    To find out more about the Dragonkin: The Banished game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/0VziC or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/PvvBs

    #DragonkinTheBanished #Dragonkin #TheBanished #Steam #PCGames #EarlyAccess #Games #Gaming #EkoSoftware #NACON #Survival #Dragons

  • Killing Floor 3 Launching Next Month

    Killing Floor 3 Launching Next Month

    This is a nightmare, a giant corporation has been messing around with bio-engineering and has somehow created a super-obedient army known as the Zeds. This is the Killing Floor 3 game where players join a group of rebels who are the only real protection from the Zeds and ultimately stand between the horde and the future of mankind. The Killing Floor 3 game will be launching on PC and consoles on the 25th of March.

    For more details on the Killing Floor 3 game go to the official game website here killingfloor3.com or go to the games page on the Epic Games Store here https://shorturl.at/QOxjm

    #KillingFloor #KillingFloor3 #Zeds #ClosedBeta #EpicGames #SciFi #Gaming #Games #NewGames #Battles #Survival #Nightfall #BioEngineering #TripwireInteractive

  • Only Out A Cooperative Survival Game

    Only Out A Cooperative Survival Game

    The world has gone through a dangerous virus outbreak that turns normal people into zombies, this is Only Out and players will need to be quick in order to survive in this dangerous world. Players will need to gather resources such as food, water, weapons and anything else that will help them survive, now all they must do is find their way out of the danger zone and into a more safer and open environment. Only the toughest will survive here in Only Out!

    To find out more about the Only Out game go to the official game website here https://yahaha.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/YkWns

    #OnlyOut #Survival #CooPGames #YahahaStudios #Steam #PCGames #Apocalypse #Zombies #IndieGames #Games #Gaming #SciFi #Puzzles #Teamwork

  • Age of Darkness Final Stand has launched

    Age of Darkness Final Stand has launched

    Get ready to experience a lesson in survival with the Age of Darkness: Final Stand game. In this game, players can go it alone or team with others to increase their chances of survival and victory, however, be warned that there can be up to seventy thousand enemies appearing in the game at any one time, this is a massive game with fantastic battles and plenty of action.

    To find out more about the Age of Darkness: Final Stand game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/8bWqW or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/j0ZxA

    #AgeofDarkness #FinalStand #AgeofDarknessFinalStand #Warfare #Battles #PlaySideStudios #DarkFantasy #RTS #Games #Gaming #Survival

  • IDUN Frontline Survival play the Prologue now

    IDUN Frontline Survival play the Prologue now

    There has been a massive interest in the IDUN – Frontline Survival game with over 20k downloads for the prologue during the first week, now players can see what all of the fuss is about by playing the prologue to the game this offers players the chance to get a feel for the game and get ready for the official launch of the full game on the 20th of January for PC on Steam.

    To find out more about the IDUN – Frontline Survival game go to the official game website here https://www.idungame.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/lXpTN

    #IDUNFrontlineSurvival #SciFi #Games #Gaming #IDUNGame #Survival #RTS #TowerDefense #SciFi #FrontlineSurvival #SurefireGames #IDUNInteractive

  • The Warden’s Will out on Steam now

    The Warden’s Will out on Steam now

    This is something special it is called the Warden’s Will and it can be played as a single-player or in a three-player coop, the mission is simple enough keep moving or lose! The game has a rougelite element to it and so players build on their skills and resources in order to get through. The Wardens Will game is available now for PC players on Steam and there are some cool offers to look out for.

    To find out more about the Warden’s Will game go to the official game website here https://wardenswill.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/FXbJI

    #WardensWill #PCGames #Steam #Elyzio #Rougelite #Survival #Domination #Battles #Games #Gaming #NewGames #CoopGames

  • Decimated Out Now On The Epic Games Store

    Decimated Out Now On The Epic Games Store

    Prepare to be Decimated as this game enters the open alpha stage and is available on the Epic Games Store now. This game is set in the future where a dystopian society has evolved and there is a battle of survival going on. Players must gain resources in order to survive, but their enemy is strong and powerful is this the last chance to save humanity?

    To find out more about the Decimated game go to the games page on the Epic Games Store here https://shorturl.at/DMq4R

    #Decimated #OpenAlpha #EpicGamesStore #Cyberpunk #Survival #RPG #FractureLabs #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare

  • Steamboat Willie Incident released on Steam now

    Steamboat Willie Incident released on Steam now

    This game might have the appearance of a vintage cartoon, but that is where the similarities end, this is the Steamboat Willie Incident game and it is going to scare and frustrate some players, while others will be jumping right into the action from the start. The game is set on a haunted steamboat and players must solve puzzles and clues in order to make any progress, are you ready to join the Steamboat Willie Incident game?

    To find out more about the Steamboat Willie Incident game go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/vg5bk

    #SteamboatWillieIncident #Steam #Games #Gaming #HorrorGames #MascotBroStudio #Puzzles #Survival #Steamboat #ScaryGames

  • Dead of Darkness launches for PC in January

    Dead of Darkness launches for PC in January

    In the Dead of Darkness game players take on the role of a private investigator who is in search of answers as to why his daughter died on the mysterious Velvet Island. However the island is home to strange and dangerous creatures, so now it is a matter of survival all carried out in a classic 2D pixel art game design.

    To find out more about the Dead of Darkness game go to the official game website here https://www.deadofdarkness.com/

    #DeadofDarkness #Horror #2DGame #Survival #Games #Gaming #RetrofictionGames #PCGames #PrivateInvestigator #2D #PixelArt

  • Ballistic a new first-person Fortnite experience

    Ballistic a new first-person Fortnite experience

    Out now on early access is the brilliant and exciting Fortnite Ballistic tactical first-person shooter game that will put players up against each other in battles that only stop when there is a winner. The game is simple, it is a round-based 5v5 challenge where tactics, strategy and each players individual skills will be out to the test, are you up for the challenge?

    To find out more about the new Fortnite Ballistic game go to the official game website here fn.gg/Ballistic

    #FortniteBallistic #Fortnite #Ballistic #FPS #Tactics #Strategy #Survival #TeamBasedGames #Games #Gaming #Battles #FortniteGames #BattleRoyale

  • Kentum Coming To PC And Consoles Next Year

    Kentum Coming To PC And Consoles Next Year

    Imagine waking up after being in some sort of suspended animation seven thousand years later! This is what players can expect from the new game Kentum. The world that players wake up to is post-apocalyptic and in order to survive players will need to find resources and avoid any dangers that are waiting for them. The Kentum game will be launching next year on PC, Xbox and PlayStation.

    To find out more about the Kentum game go to the official game website here https://tlon.vg/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/nbrgB

    #Kentum #SciFi #NewGames #TlonIndustries #PC #Xbox #PlayStation #Games #Gaming #2DGames #BaseBuilding #Survival #Apocalypse

  • Kill to survive in Dead by Daylight

    Kill to survive in Dead by Daylight

    This is a multiplayer game where one of the players takes on the role of a murderer and the others are the potential victims. This is Dead by Daylight and as the murderer, the player has to sacrifice the others in order to survive and ultimately escape this horror.

    To find more about the Dead by Daylight game go to the official game website here https://deadbydaylight.com/

    #DeadbyDaylight #EpicGames #ActionGames #HorrorGames #Killer #Survivors #Escape #Games #Gaming #Mystery #Survival

  • Take a closer look at Empyreal

    Take a closer look at Empyreal

    This is an interesting game where players enter a monolith to explore this ancient ruin only to find that it is not abandoned and is protected by robots and other high-tech defences. This is one of those games that starts off quietly and then launches into total chaos, can you handle this? The Empyreal game will be launching on PC, PlayStation and Xbox next year.

    To find out more about the Empyreal game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/iherA or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/u8kXP

    #Empyreal #SecretMode #SilentGames #PC #PlayStation #RPG #Xbox #Games #Gaming #Monolith #Survival #SciFi #NewGames

  • The Thing Remastered Available Now on PC and Consoles

    The Thing Remastered Available Now on PC and Consoles

    You might have thought being stuck in the Arctic in a research station might be terrible enough, but there is a presence there that is alien to this world, this is the Thing and it has been remastered for the players of today to see what a real horror game is all about. The Thing: Remastered is available now on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch

    To find out more about The Thing: Remastered go to the official game website here https://nightdivestudios.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://bit.ly/48fvVnO

    #TheThingRemastered #TheThing #Horror #NightdiveStudios #CultClassic #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #NintendoSwitch #Games #Gaming #Survival

  • Astrometica Space Survival and Base-Building game

    Astrometica Space Survival and Base-Building game

    Here is a game that will take players on a journey to the vastness of space, this is Astrometica it has already had a successful wishlist on Steam and had some brilliant reviews too. So now as the game prepares to launch what’s it all about? Players are trapped in an escape pod following an explosion on a mining operation, they must survive by exploring, gathering resources and building a base to operate from, are you ready for this?

    To find out more about the Astrometica game go to the official game page on Steam here http://cutt.ly/gwo3IPye

    #Astrometica #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel #BaseBuilding #SciFi #Games #Gaming #RockGame #Survival #Steam #NewGame

  • You Are Alone On The Dark Side Of Ceclon

    You Are Alone On The Dark Side Of Ceclon

    The Dark Side Of Ceclon follows an astronaut who finds himself abandoned on what appears to be an uninhabited planet, alone he must find a way of surviving until a rescue mission is launched, however what if there is no rescue mission, can he survive all alone on a planet where there is almost nothing? The Dark Side Of Ceclon will be launching in the early part of next year.

    To find out more about The Dark Side Of Ceclon game go to the official game website here https://solidsstudiosolo.wixsite.com/thedarksideofceclon

    #TheDarkSideOfCeclon #SolidsStudio #SciFi #SpaceTravel #SpaceCraft #Games #Gaming #Gamers #RPG #Survival #NewGames

  • Fight Zombies On Tokyo Waning Moon

    Fight Zombies On Tokyo Waning Moon

    There is a zombie apocalypse happening in Tokyo Waning Moon, yet in this game, there are only two controls that players use to stop the zombies from taking over, players your mission is to stop the zombie apocalypse and save the world. The Tokyo Waning Moon is available right now.

    To find out more about the Tokyo Waning Moon game go to the official game website here https://www.midnight-cupcakes.com/en/tokyowaningmoon

    #TokyoWaningMoon #Zombies #MidnightCupcakes #Steam #PCGames #HorrorGames #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Survival

  • Darfall strategy survival city-builder

    Darfall strategy survival city-builder

    This is Darfall where you start off with a small settlement, but over time and with careful planning and a lot of luck you could soon be seeing your community grow and become prosperous, however this success can bring threats from nature and from those who would like to think that they could take your city instead of doing all of the hard work themselves. Darfall is available for your wishlist on Steam and will be launching soon.

    Check out the new video for the Darfall game here on YouTube https://youtu.be/EVBXlI9-hNA?si=oZoxZGQq65HyqtOM To find out more about the Darfall game go to the official game website here https://www.darfall.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1961600/Darfall/

    #Darfall #RPG #strategy #survival #citybuilder #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #Steam #Newgames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Castles #Battle #SIM

  • Dead Island 2 Ultimate Edition is Out Now!

    Dead Island 2 Ultimate Edition is Out Now!

    The zompocalypse is upon us the world is going to hell and the only way that you are going to survive this apocalypse is by fighting yourself out of it and to find somewhere safe to settle and watch the world burn. The gameplay is brilliant because of the relentless zombies that just keep coming at you, but there is a wide range of weapons and resources available to players, there are some darkly funny parts of this game too. The Dead Island 2 Ultimate Edition is out now!

    To find out more about the Dead Island 2 Ultimate Edition go to the official game website here https://deadisland.com/

    #DeadIsland #UltimateEdition #DeadIsland2UltimateEdition #Zombies #Apocalypse #EpicGames #Zompocalypse #Survival #NewGames #Games #Gaming

  • RailGods of Hysterra coming to PC and PlayStation

    RailGods of Hysterra coming to PC and PlayStation

    Coming soon is the RailGods of Hysterra a sort of Lovecraftian game that takes the players into a dark and mysterious world that is full is horrors and dangers. This is a full on game that offers plenty of action, resources and enemies to get your hands on, this is one of those worlds that really will drive players to the limit and beyond, are you ready for this journey to begin.

    To find out more about the RailGods of Hysterra game head on over to the official game website here https://railgodsofhysterra.com/ or check out the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/3201910/RailGods_of_Hysterra/

    #RailgodsofHysterra #Lovecraft #Survival #BaseBuilding #ActionGame #Steam #Games #Gaming #PC #PlayStation #DigitalVortexEntertainment #TroglobytesGames

  • Outbreak Shades of Horror: Chromatic Split launching on October 25th

    Outbreak Shades of Horror: Chromatic Split launching on October 25th

    Coming this month to PC and consoles is the Outbreak: Shades of Horror Chromatic Split game, this is where you play the part of a detective who arrives in a small city just as the zombie apocalypse is beginning. In order to survive players will need to find resources and stay out of the way of the zombies. This is an action game that requires planning as you travel through the city and attempt to either stop the apocalypse or just get out of there in one piece. Outbreak: Shades of Horror Chromatic Split will be coming out for PC and Xbox players at the end of the month and for the PlayStation shortly after.

    To find out more about the Outbreak: Shades of Horror Chromatic Split game head on over to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/3107090/Outbreak_Shades_of_Horror_Chromatic_Split/ or go to the official game website here https://outbreak.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders

    #OutbreakShadesofHorrorChromaticSplit #survival #horror #adventure #Steam #Xbox #PlayStation #UnrealEngine #DeadDropsStudios #Outbreak #ShadesofHorror #ChromaticSplit #OutbreakShadesofHorror

  • Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone

    Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone

    Welcome to the Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone this a dangerous post-apocalyptic world where you play the part of a planeswalker able to traverse the dimensions into parallel worlds with one mission to seek out Chernobylite a material that is capable of producing high energy. However, after being cut off you are trapped in the scary version of the world where there are hordes of dangerous creatures roaming around. Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone will launch on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S in early 2025.

    To find out more about the Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone game go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2075100/Chernobylite_2_Exclusion_Zone/ or head on over to the official game website here https://chernobylgame.com/

    #TheFarm51 #ChernobylGame #Chernobylite2ExclusionZone #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #Games #Gaming #SciFi #RPG #Survival #Steam #NewGames #ExclusionZone

  • Begin Your Journey With City 20

    Begin Your Journey With City 20

    The quest to survive in a post-apocalyptic world where you have the security of a settlement to keep you safe, but is this what life has become or is there more, could there be a way to bring back the past or has that been lost forever? This is one of those game where all players will have a different experience depending on their decisions and actions. The City 20 game is available now for PC players through Early Access on Steam and from the Epic Games Store.

    To find out more about the City 20 game here on the official website http://www.untoldgames.com/ or head on over to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1597980/City_20/

    #UntoldGames #City20 #DystopianLifeSimulator #PostApocalyptic #Survival #Sandbox #PCGames #EarlyAccess #Steam #EpicGamesStore #Games #Gaming

  • Exelio the survival crafting game

    Exelio the survival crafting game

    As seen at the Tokyo Game Show is Exelio a game that combines survival and a mystery together, as you awaken in a strange location the main priority is survival finding shelter, water and food. Once settled you must discover where you are and who or what you are sharing this land with. Its all a matter of survival, every action will make a difference. Exelio should be on early access on Steam next year.

    To find out more about the Exelio game go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2465510/EXELIO/

    #Exelio #indiegame #indiegames #indiegamedev #tokyogameshow #AIFrogInteractive #Steam #Games #Gaming #NewGames #Survival

  • Edge of Sanity 2D Survival Horror Game

    Edge of Sanity 2D Survival Horror Game

    It could be said that surviving the cold and dark winter of Alaska is as close as you can get to becoming insane, but in the Edge of Sanity game, you will be pushed over the limit and right to a place where you begin to question everything. This classic 2D game is inspired by Cthulhu and follows a worker who gradually loses his mind as he comes up against the horrors that lie in wait in the Alaskian wilderness. Will you survive the Edge of Sanity find out now as this game is available for PC and consoles now, good luck!

    To find out more about the Edge of Sanity game go to the developers link tree page here https://linktr.ee/Edge_Of_Sanity or the official game website here https://vixagames.com/

    #EdgeofSanity #2DGame #Survival #Horror #Games #Gaming #NewGames #DaedalicEntertainment #VixaGames #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #NintendoSwitch