Update for Rockets Are Super Hard Relaunch

Before a rocket is launched into space there is a lot of work needed to be put in before that countdown begins. You and your team of friends are in the launch control building and you have a rocker guidebook to take through the process step by step. However, you know right from the start that this is not going to be as easy as it first sounds. One mistake, one oversight and the whole mission is at risk, this is the pressure of the launch control and what it takes to get to the point of lift-off! Do you have what it takes to put the sequence into place and get the vehicle into orbit without any issues? There is only one way to find out get the Rockets Are Super Hard: Relaunch update now, the space race is on!

Find out more about the Rockets Are Super Hard: Relaunch here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/675270/Rockets_Are_Super_Hard/ or read the rocket guide here http://rocket.guide

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