5PM Studios Memoriapolis launching on Steam Early Access

This is Memoriapolis from 5PM Studios sure it’s a city builder game, but with a difference, you are charged with building your city from the ground up using the resources at hand, but as the city grows so do the issues, therefore you must also take into consideration the politics of the city, urban planning, what resources are available, as well as the well being of the people if they cannot work, the city cannot thrive. There is a lot of forward planning to be thinking of here and if you forget just one part the whole thing could come tumbling down around you. Welcome to Memoriapolis you are in charge, so where are going to start?

Find out more about the city building game Memoriapolis here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2228280/MEMORIAPOLIS/ or on the official game website here https://playmemoriapolis.com

#Memoriapolis #citybuilder #5PMStudio #Steam #StrategyCityBuilder #Planning #Politics #City #UrbanPlanning #Resources #Ecomonics #Population #Gaming #Gamers #Games

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