Populus Run is coming to Google Play

Not so long ago if you wanted to play the Populus Run game you would have needed to go to the Apple Arcade, but in a couple of days time you can play this game on an Android device as it will be available on Google Play. Join in the race for victory, mind those fast food obstacles, use pipes to slide into waterparks and watch out for the bosses, these food-related villains are out to get you!

To find out more about the Populus Run game or to download it go the the games page on Google Play here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fiftytwo.populusrun or the Apple Arcade here https://apps.apple.com/us/app/populus-run/id6470197867

#PopulusRun #AppleArcade #GooglePlay #MobileGames #Games #Gaming #NewGames #FIFTYTWO #FreeGame #InAppPurchase #Apps #Food

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