Long Live the Queen begins with the young princess Elodie arriving at the castle of Nova after the untimely death of her mother, the Queen. She has no time to mourn, but must immediately begin making preparations to become the next Novan ruler. While she frantically studies and trains to raise her skills, others attempt to take advantage of Nova’s vulnerability. Elodie must fend off invasions, assassins, schemes, and civil war in order to survive long enough to be crowned Queen.Impressive Features List;
A rich and compelling story
RPG, Strategy and Simulation
Magic and Secret Powers
Multiple Endings
Intriguing Cast each with their own political agenda
Background Mysteries to uncover
Cute Graphics
Unlockable Outfits
Achievements list
Cruelty, Moods, Skills and Approval
Black Humour
Would you like some more information? Then you are in luck because we have included a link to the story, it can be found below, just run your mouse over the link to satisfy yourself that you are going to the right destination and click for more!
Indie publisher Ratalaika Games, in collaboration with developer Hanako Games, is delighted to announce the forthcoming digital release of the eye-catching visual novel Long Live The Queen for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Nintendo Switch, which is set for July 12th 2022 priced at $10 / €10.
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