Decadent is a new level of Madness

This is Decadent, but not in the sense that you are self induldgent, this is more like a descent into madness with touches of a Lovecraftian side thrown in for good measure. This is one of those that is going to test you at all levels. You feel like you are all alone in this dark and scary land as you try to survive, but your experiments mean that you are now the host for a mysterious parasite and so the journey into a world of madness has begun. You are really going to feel the pressure in Decadent are you ready to dive in?

To find out more about the Decadent game visit the games page on Steam here or go to the official developers page here

#Decadent #FPS #Videogames #Madness #Lovecraftian #Horror #Steam #FPS #Games #Gaming #NewGames #FulqrumPublishing #IncantationGames

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