DuneCrawl the co-op action-adventure game coming soon

In DuneCrawl you and your crew are on board a massive crab like machine that is able to travel from place to place on a journey of exploration but at the same time, it can also be a peacekeeping mission as you protect innocent townspeople from bandits. Luckily your crab-like machine is fully armed and armoured so you can take a bit of punishment but a relentless attack could cause damage that needs to be repaired. This DuneCrawl game will be launching early next year, although it can be on your wishlist on Steam from now.

To find out more about the DuneCrawl game go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1833200/DuneCrawl/

#DuneCrawl #DuneCrawlGame #IGN #Gaming #Gamers #Alientrap #Steam #OpenWorldGame #CoopGame #Exploration #Bandits #PCGames #SteamWishlist

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